Chapter 2: Dangerous Crisis
作者:Jerry      更新:2023-12-16 00:02      字數(shù):2185
    Wang Chenming accompanied Lin Mujie to the elevator, and when he saw that several bodyguards were supporting the unsteady footsteps of Qiu Tianming behind them, he said, "Please help Mr. Qiu back to his room to rest first!"

    "It's okay, I'll walk you to…… Mr. Lin, I can still…… walk!" Qiu Tianming pushed away the bodyguard who was holding him.

    The group arrived at the elevator door, where a waiter was already standing and pressing the button. On the display screen at the elevator door, a red upward arrow was jumping, but the floor number displayed remained unchanged at the seventeenth floor.

    After waiting for about half a minute, the waiter pressed the button again, but a low beeping sound came from the elevator.

    "What's going on?" Wang Chenming's tone suddenly rose, and a sharp look was directed at the waiter.

    "Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, the elevator may have malfunctioned! I'll immediately notify the engineering department to come and repair it!" The waitress looked at Wang Chenming and her face turned pale.

    Wang Chenming scowled and angrily scolded, "What are you people doing? Don't the elevators have regular maintenance?"

    "I'm sorry, Mr. Wang! I'll call the maintenance department right away!" The waitress was so scared that she almost cried. She bowed and hurried away like she was running away.

    Wang Chenming's face showed an elusive smile. He turned around and changed his attitude to be very pious and apologized to Lin Mujie: "Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry. Why don't we inform your driver to wait a little longer and then we can go find a tearoom to sit down?"

    " Well, it seems that the elevator insists on keeping people here!" Lin Mujie said, but he still felt a little upset.

    At their first meeting, Lin Mujie had a good impression of Wang Chenming, but he felt vaguely that his speech and actions gave people the impression of being overly cautious, as if the two sides were not talking about business, but were engaged in a shady deal.

    Wang Chenming and Qiu Tianming were clients recommended by Lin Mujie's cousin, Lin Mufeng. As they planned to expand their business nationwide, the Jutian Group was interested in transferring a piece of vacant land near the Jindi Hotel. There were several companies negotiating the purchase with the Jutian Group, but Wang Chenming's offer lacked sincerity. If it weren't for Lin Mufeng's repeated recommendations, Lin Mujie would not have considered visiting the Duke Hotel. This time, Wang Chenming and Qiu Tianming avoided discussing business and strongly invited him to visit and guide them, showing an extremely humble attitude. After several invitations, it was difficult to refuse. Lin Mujie thought that since they had given him enough respect and valued him, if he didn't meet with them, it would inevitably lead to gossip in the business world.

    Lin Mujie had previously had suspicions about the Duke Hotel and didn't know much about its new owner, Wang Chenming. There was a saying in business that "know your enemy and know yourself, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles." When he heard from Lu Xiong that a friend could help inquire about detailed information on Wang Chenming and Qiu Tianming, he immediately asked him to handle it.

    On the way to the Duke Hotel just now, Lu Xiong said that someone had called him and seemed to have some top-secret information to tell him face-to-face. The person insisted on exchanging money for the information. Lin Mujie knew that the so-called top-secret information was just a way to ask for more money. He told Lu Xiong to take care of this matter and then come to the Duke Hotel to pick him up……

    Lu Xiong was two years younger than Lin Mujie. He was a retired soldier, tall and sturdy, and usually liked martial arts. Before meeting Lin Mujie, he often made friends with people from all walks of life in society. He didn't have a proper job. He had been a farmer, worked on a factory assembly line, and been a security guard. Lu Xiong often lamented that he had martial arts skills but couldn't find opportunities to use them. In today's society, high-paying jobs in factories are mostly for managers or skilled workers. Lu Xiong had no special skills other than martial arts, so the jobs he found paid low salaries. As a result, after working for a while, he felt that the salary was too low and quit to look for another factory. But no matter how many times he changed jobs, only the work environment changed, and his income and treatment did not improve. Due to frequent job changes, he had been living in poverty until he met Lin Mujie two years ago, when his fate changed dramatically……

    On that day, Lin Mujie had just stepped out of the hotel after discussing business with his friends when his briefcase was suddenly snatched by a thief on the roadside. The thief, after grabbing the briefcase, desperately ran into an alley. At that moment, both Lin Mujie and his friends were stunned. Although Jiangnan City had a large population of migrants, social order had always been stable, and they had never heard of any social unrest or incidents of smashing and looting. They couldn't believe that they had encountered such a thing today. In broad daylight, someone actually dared to commit such an illegal act. As they watched the thief running further and further away, a man suddenly sprinted in the direction of the thief's escape. It was only then that Lin Mujie realized what was happening and chased after the thief with his friend. When Lin Mujie arrived, the man had already knocked the thief down to the ground. That man was Lu Xiong. He had been wandering the streets looking for a job when he happened to witness the thief stealing and immediately chased after him to help Lin Mujie retrieve his belongings.

    The briefcase contained several important contracts and some company documents. Lin Mujie immediately offered Lu Xiong some money as a reward.

    Lu Xiong said, "I helped you retrieve what belongs to you, not because I want something in return, but because I can't stand to see people stealing in broad daylight."

    Lin Mujie's friend whispered beside him, "Mujie, that man has good martial arts skills and seems like a decent person. Now that your business is growing, why don't you consider keeping him by your side? He might come in handy in the future."

    Lin Mujie thought about it and nodded. He then asked Lu Xiong, "Mr. Lu, where are you currently employed?"

    "I just left my job and don't have one at the moment," Lu Xiong said sheepishly, scratching his head and turning to leave. In fact, he had been looking for a job for almost a month.

    "If you're interested, you can come and check out our company!" Lin Mujie handed him a business card.

    Lu Xiong's eyes lit up when he saw it, but then he became listless again. Who didn't know about the reputation of Jutian Group in Jiangnan City? He had heard that even the cleaners at Jutian Group were college graduates. He hadn't even graduated from high school. What could he do there?

    "Thank you for your kindness, but I think I'll pass," Lu Xiong said. He had experienced being ridiculed when applying for jobs at large companies in the past, and he knew that with his limited education, applying for a job at Jutian Group would only be a humiliation. He might not even make it past the security guard at the entrance. Little did Lu Xiong know about Lin Mujie's true identity? The positions on the business card were written in English, which Lu Xiong didn't understand, so he assumed that Lin Mujie was just a salesperson or something similar in the company. If he had known that Lin Mujie was the chairman of the company, he definitely wouldn't have said that.

    Of course, Lin Mujie didn't know what Lu Xiong was thinking at that moment. When he saw Lu Xiong reluctantly looking at the business card, he thought that Lu Xiong didn't want to go.

    "You don't want to come?"

    I would like to, but what can I do? Be a security guard? I don't want to be a security guard anymore." He looked at Lin Mujie with some doubt.

    "I didn't ask you to be a security guard. Can you drive?" Lin Mujie smiled, quickly sensing Lu Xiong's predicament.

    "Your company is looking for a driver? I can!" Lu Xiong asked, and then he thought for a moment. Although he had obtained a driver's license, he had only driven a small truck or something similar, and had never driven a high-end car. Jutian Group was a large company, so would they really want him?

    Lin Mujie looked at him and nodded.

    Lu Xiong felt a bit nervous, thinking that he had already spent most of his money and had no job yet. If he didn't try, he didn't know what to do next. This time, someone introduced him, so he didn't think he couldn't even get in the door.

    "Can I come to you then?" Lu Xiong, like a child who has done something wrong, forced himself to speak with a weak voice.

    "Just say I introduced you, and no one will stop you. Follow the address above, and come to my company tomorrow to report!" Lin Mujie left without saying anything else.

    Lu Xiong came to Jutian Group in this way. During the first few days of work, the company didn't arrange anything for him to do. In this way, Lu Xiong had time to communicate with other colleagues in the company. At this point, Lu Xiong suddenly realized that the name Lin Mujie was familiar to him. He didn't expect that Lin Mujie was the chairman of the company. When the drivers heard that Lu Xiong was recruited by the chairman personally, they all looked at him differently. As long as Lu Xiong had any request, they would do their best to help him.

    Lin Mujie only chose Lu Xiong because of a friend's suggestion. After arranging Lu Xiong to work in the company, he didn't really arrange any work for him. In order to test his character, Lin Mujie didn't let Lu Xiong idle for the first few months, often asking him to go out alone to collect payments for small businesses. Each time, Lu Xiong did his best to complete the task.

    For Lu Xiong, this job at Jutian Group is like a piece of cake that fell from the sky. Not only is the work easy, but the salary is twice as high as the job he previously found. Usually, he doesn't have to run business collection and collection, so he often practices driving a car until he masters it. Gradually, Lin Mujie brings Lu Xiong along more and more when he goes out to talk about business, which makes other drivers in the company jealous. Lu Xiong understands that Lin Mujie is interested in cultivating himself. At the moment, he is moved to tears and vows to repay the chairman's kindness and recognition……

    Lin Mujie wanted to call Lu Xiong to ask how things were going. Since the afternoon, he had only received one call from Lu Xiong, saying that they had found the person who was looking for the information. The results were still unknown. Lin Mujie was a little anxious, but he didn't want to call in front of Wang Chenming.

    Thinking of this, Lin Mujie said to Wang Chenming, "Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom first." Then he strode away.

    Wang Chenming whispered to the bodyguard behind Lin Mujie, and Qiu Tianming winked at him. Then he said, "I want to go to the bathroom too."

    Wang Chenming heard this and was delighted. Ha ha, it seems that this kid is not really drunk. He said to the two bodyguards beside him, "Mr. Lin is drunk. Don't you go and help Mr. Lin and Mr. Qiu to the bathroom quickly? Be careful with them!"

    Two bodyguards immediately answered. Lin Mujie felt that his whole body was firmly held, with just the right amount of strength, neither loose nor tight. A potential danger message immediately struck Lin Mujie. These two bodyguards seemed to be skilled martial artists, and their hand skills must be excellent. Lin Mujie felt vaguely that something was wrong, as if something was about to happen, but he couldn't tell what exactly was going on. He didn't see any weaknesses in them from start to finish today, and others knew his background clearly.

    At this time, Wang Chenming's mobile phone rang. He quickly walked to a secluded corner to listen to the call as soon as he saw the number.

    "Do you need me to teach you such a trivial thing? If you mess up, don't come back to see me!" Wang Chenming yelled into the phone, his voice suppressed.