Chapter 4: A Disappointed Beauty
作者:Jerry      更新:2023-12-17 11:26      字?jǐn)?shù):1581
    Lin Mujie shouted and scolded, and his drunkenness was also awaked, his mind suddenly became clear, and he felt that this girl in front of him was not simple.

    "Mr. Lin, I am a tea art master in the company's cultural department. If you are not satisfied with my service, please point it out and I will change it immediately!" The girl's expression immediately changed when Lin Mujie shouted, her voice trembling and her hands and feet also shaking. She was not experienced in the world and did not understand that the guest in front of her was gentle and amiable at the moment, but suddenly showed an aggressive attitude, and she was immediately panic-stricken.

    "Don't play any tricks, say it! Who asked you to come here!" Lin Mujie felt like he was in a trap that someone had set up long ago, waiting for him to step into it step by step. He was thinking, as soon as Lu Xiong came, it would be better to leave early.

    After Lin Mujie's question, the woman was already scared and pale. She trembled and said, "Mr. Lin, I don't understand what you're saying! I just performed tea art for you, please be kind. I just came to the company and don't understand the rules. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me. Please let me off! Don't tell our boss!"

    Lin Mujie felt a little pity for her, seeing her scared like this. It's really not easy for these prostitutes to make a living without much education. He didn't yell at her anymore. He just wanted to sit down and wait for Lu Xiong, but he didn't know what Wang Chenming was up to.

    "You can tell me without telling your boss. But you have to tell me who you are and why you are in this room?" Lin Mujie still felt very confused.

    The girl stopped shaking when she heard Lin Mujie's tone become softer. She lowered her head and tears fell down her face as she answered, "My name is Lily. I'm 19 years old. The company arranged for me to be in this VIP room ahead of schedule, saying that there was an important guest to be entertained……"

    "You're only 19 years old, you should know what you're doing!" Lin Mujie eyed her thin clothes and felt disgusted.

    "You despise me?" Lily endured the inner humiliation, her eyes glittering.

    "You should understand where you are, and why you are here," Lin Mujie said coldly.

    "Because…… my father is sick and has no money for treatment, and now he is bedridden. My family cannot afford for me to study, so I left school before finishing high school to work. I heard that wages are high here, so I came here after being introduced by someone." Lily said, tears beginning to fall from her eyes.

    Although Lin Mujie occasionally goes to such a brothel for fun, he has a very sophisticated eye and naturally recognizes that Lily is a girl who has never been to such a place before. Her nervousness and awkwardness tell him that she is an inexperienced girl. Looking at Lily in tears, Lin Mujie feels bad. At this age, she should be in the prime of her life, studying and learning. However, due to her family's poverty, she has become a plaything in the hands of men. Lin Mujie is determined to help that girl.

    "Get up first, sit down! I won't eat you, why are you so afraid of me? Look at my appearance, I'm not terrible!" Lin Mujie tried to make the atmosphere more relaxed.

    "Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Lily was polite, and seeing that Lin Mujie spoke calmly and without malice, she no longer declined, and rose up, but still did not dare to sit down, just stood by with her hands folded.

    "Sit down! Tell me your story, maybe I can help you!" Lin Mujie pointed to the sofa beside her and motioned for her to sit down. Lily nodded lightly. The shy and pure girl was completely different from the wild and unrestrained girl who had been dancing just now.

    "Mr. Lin, can I help you pour some tea?" Lily said, getting up to pour the tea.

    "I've always been curious. Haven't we met before? How do you know my last name is Lin?" Lin Mujie noticed that the girl's spoken language had a foreign accent, and that she had been calling herself "Mr. Lin" all along. He used this as a topic of conversation to break the ice.

    "I am serving guests alone for the first time tonight. Sister Fang told me that we have a distinguished guest in our hotel today, and that I should serve Dong Lin well. Sister Fang told me that if I did well and made the boss happy, he might give me money to treat my father's illness. I didn't expect to make you angry." Lily said, handing over the tea she had poured.

    "So that's it!" Lin Mujie nodded to himself. It seems that Wang Chenming has spent a lot of effort to cooperate with him. Just now, seeing his mysterious look, I thought he wanted to play some tricks. Actually, he arranged to rest here to use the "beauty trap". But this kind of trick seems to be outdated. Just throw a woman out casually and expect me to easily fall for it. Even if I eat and wipe my mouth and leave, what can you do to me?

    Lin Mujie took the cup and immediately took a sip. A strong aroma wafted up. The tea was specially made, neither like Tie Guan Yin nor Longjing tea. In the mouth, the strong bitter taste was accompanied by a hint of sweetness that was indescribable and penetrated straight to the heart and spleen. Lin Mujie drank the cup of tea in one go.

    Lily looked at Lin Mujie with a focused expression and a comfortable expression on her face. She smiled and suddenly felt lighter and more energetic.

    "Is it good? I'll get you another cup!" Lily poured more tea into the cup.

    "Good tea!" After drinking a cup of fragrant tea, Lin Mujie felt refreshed and looked at Baihe's handsome face, the plumpness of her round, thin underwear, her tender lotus-like arms, and her creamy skin. She seemed like a fairy coming down from heaven.

    Lin Mujie took the tea that Baihe handed over again and slowly savored it. As he chatted with her, he looked at her intently and felt an inexplicable desire to touch her. He cursed himself for not having any willpower. Baihe was very pure both in appearance and in heart, and people couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

    I don't know if it was the alcohol attack or something else, but when he drank the third cup of tea, a strange feeling of heat began to rise in Lin Mujie's body, and it was replaced by another kind of excitement that spread through his body. He gradually felt that a subtle reaction had occurred in his body.

    When Lily handed him the tea again, Lin Mujie took it and drank it all down, his whole body burning like a raging fire. He felt very strange today, but he couldn't control himself. He reached out to try to grab Lily's hand. Lily took the opportunity to pour the tea and easily dodged.

    Lin Mujie was not willing to comply. He felt that the heat inside his body was getting stronger and stronger, and it was constantly pouring out from every pore in his body, no matter how much he tried to suppress it. When Lily handed him the cup again, he took the tea she held in one hand, but with the other hand, he uncomfortably reached out to her body.

    "Bang!" The teacup fell to the ground. Baiyi was startled and bent down to pick it up. Fortunately, the thick carpet on the ground kept the cup intact.

    Lin Mujie looked like a drunkard, with a face as red as Guan Gong, and his behavior seemed to be completely irrational.

    Lin Mujie was breathing heavily, and while Lily was picking up the teacups, he grabbed her in his arms. Lily gently struggled but couldn't move. She knew that this would be the outcome today, but when it came, a sense of helplessness and panic struck her trembling heart.

    Lily wanted to push the man away, but she remembered her family, her dying father on the hospital bed, and her mother who had been crying all day. She remembered what Fang said, that as long as she served Dong Lin well, the boss would pay for her father's treatment, and besides, she would be a meritorious person and would enjoy endless glory and preciousness. Although she was shy and embarrassed, she thought that this was her fate, and her eyes turned red and her eyes closed, and tears fell involuntarily.

    Lin Mujie's expression was already beyond control at this point. His face, which had been flushed from drinking, was even redder and reaching down to his neck. Lily could not resist his brute strength, and she half-agreed and half-resisted as Lin Mujie's hands roamed over her body. She trembled all over, like a lamb about to be slaughtered, her body in a state of extreme fear and panic, her inner grievances and humiliation rising, and tears trickling down her eyes unwillingly……