Chapter 7: set up a poisonous bureau secretly
作者:Jerry      更新:2024-01-04 23:50      字?jǐn)?shù):1297
    In the darkened room, Qiu Tianming's heart was seething with anger as he witnessed the intimate scene betweenLilyand Lin Mujie. Disregarding the private instructions of Wang Chenming, he quickly organized a few men to clear up the mess. As soon asLilywas led out of Lin Mujie's room, he left his subordinates to fend for themselves and hurried after her.

    Once the two men escortedLilyto the adjacent room, Qiu Tianming ordered, "Go and assist them. Make sure to leave no trace of what happened here. Our leader has promised a reward for good work. Don't worry about this room, just look at how unwillingLilyis. I need to properly instruct and discipline her."

    The two men knew exactly what Qiu Tianming had in mind. As loyal subordinates, their duty was to obey without question.

    As soon as the two men left, Qiu Tianming shut the door and eagerly pounced onLily. Unable to resist after her earlier exertions,Lilystruggled for a while before giving up, resigned to her fate. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she lay still, desolate and hopeless.

    Qiu Tianming was elated to see that he had easily subduedLilyin just a few moments, much more順利than he had anticipated. Gasping for breath, he lunged towards her.

    Suddenly, the door flew open with a loud bang. Qiu Tianming had been too eager and failed to lock it properly, making it easy to kick open.

    "Damn it! Who dares to barge in here? Can't you see I'm busy?" Qiu Tianming roared without even looking at the intruder.

    The person standing by the door remained silent and still. Qiu Tianming quickly realized something was wrong when he felt the intruder's gaze fixed on him, a dangerous signal sending chills down his spine.

    Pulling himself off Lily, Qiu Tianming turned to see who had entered, only to receive a stinging slap across the face that sent him reeling. Before he could react, a stern voice barked, "Good job, kid! You've grown up fast!" It was Wang Chenming's voice, and it was too late for Qiu Tianming to react as he looked up into Wang Chenming's angry eyes. His angry expression turned docile like a lamb.

    "Big…… Brother! I was just playing around!" Qiu Tianming stuttered, hastily putting on his clothes.

    "Look at your pathetic state! I told you to handle things properly, but look at what you've done! When will you ever make me proud? You're nothing but a bungler!" Wang Chenming scolded Qiu Tianming vehemently, delivering a swift kick to his bare buttocks.

    Qiu Tianming stumbled as he scrambled to finish dressing while Wang Chenming's angry foot came down on his buttocks. Not daring to protest, Qiu Tianming wiped the blood from his mouth, got up and dressed quickly, standing meekly before Wang Chenming as he endured the scolding.

    "Call the cleaning team and tell them to tidy up the place! Is this how you do things?" Wang Chenming roared at the man and woman who had just appeared by the door. "You two, take good care ofLilyfirst. If anything happens, you'll be held responsible!" With that, he turned around and left in a huff.

    Qiu Tianming quickly bowed and followed behind Wang Chenming, afraid to say a word. He had thought that tidying up the scene would be a good job, but Wang Chenming's sudden appearance had ruined his plans. Although Qiu Tianming was extremely reluctant to leave, he had no choice but to follow behind Wang Chenming with a heavy heart.

    In the guest room where Lin Mujie was resting, the clothes and scattered items on the floor had been neatly arranged. The several tall and muscular men who had just placed Lin Mujie in a posed position were still there when Wang Chenming entered. He looked at the contents of the camera and frowned at Qiu Tianming. "I wanted close-up shots of him andLilytogether, not this childish stuff!"

    "Yes! I'll reshoot it!" Qiu Tianming was too afraid to speak up.

    "BringLilyover here!" Wang Chenming ordered one of the men.

    As soon as he finished speaking, the man who had been guardingLilycame running in a panic, "No……it's not good,Lilyhit her head against the wall and tried to kill herself!"

    Wang Chenming gave the man a slap in the face. "Useless! You can't even take care of a living person!"

    When he saw the angry look on Wang Chenming's face, Qiu Tianming was so scared that he nearly lost his breath. He was afraid that Wang Chenming would lash out at him again, so he quickly ran ahead to lead the way.

    Qiu Tianming arrived at the adjacent room and saw thatLilywas lying on the bed with her eyes closed and a visible wound on her forehead. A woman was whispering something to her nearby.

    "Sister Fang, what happened?" Qiu Tianming asked in a panic, glancing at the woman.

    "You caused all this trouble! What were you thinking, still horny after everything that happened? Watch out or your boss might cut off your thing and leave you impotent for life!" Sister Fang glared at Qiu Tianming with hatred.

    "Sister Fang! Please help me talk to him, otherwise he might skin me alive!" Qiu Tianming trembled with fear and begged Sister Fang.

    "I can't help you with this. You'll have to explain to your boss yourself!" Sister Fang gave Qiu Tianming a dirty look.

    As soon as she finished speaking, they heard footsteps approaching from far away, and they both fell silent.

    Lilywas lying on the bed with her face sallow and her eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. She neither cried nor screamed, but her expression was eerily calm.

    "What's wrong with her?" Wang Chenming asked as soon as he entered the room.

    "She's fine now. It's normal for a girl to feel this way after her first time. I'll talk to her and comfort her," Sister Fang said with restraint, feeling nervous and showing signs of fear.

    Wang Chenming looked at Sister Fang with an unpredictable expression and said, "Take her downstairs first. Handle the rest yourself."

    Then he looked around at the people standing nearby and said sternly, "You've been with me for some time now, and I expect you to keep quiet about what happened today. It's best if you pretend like nothing ever happened. If any of you leak even a hint of this, I won't hesitate to……" He then stormed out without finishing his sentence.

    Qiu Tianming gave Sister Fang a furtive glance and didn't dare say another word. After Wang Chenming left, he carefully comforted Sister Fang with some polite words and then left with his team looking downtrodden.

    When Lin Mujie woke up, he found himself lying on an unfamiliar bed. He gasped with surprise. He looked at the time and saw that it was already 7:10 in the morning. He looked around the room and remembered that he was currently in a VIP room at the Earl Hotel.

    Lin Mujie let out a string of expletives as he remembered what had happened last night. He had been waiting in this room for his driver, Lu Xiong, and he remembered a girl

    Lin Mujie bother to call bad, he thought of last night, remember oneself is to the room driver Lu Xiong, he remember a girl named lily walk down from the painting, he drank the lily after the tea, all in a state of excitement, consciousness is some not too awake, the body has a feeling to vent, he vaguely remember the lily that a tear, just later some things don't understand. Where did Lu Xiong go this one night? Why didn't he wake himself up? But he didn't know that he would go back last night? Too many questions pester him