Chapter 11 The Price of Lies
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-07-30 16:27      字數(shù):2723
    Galaxy Arena was packed with people. When Yu Sha watched the audience lingering on the lifelike dinosaur “models” one after another, she didn’t know whether she should be happy or sad. The little robot went into hibernation in order to better detect what the human beings were thinking. Its body projected an hourglass light and shadow that exuded moonlight, and the fine moonlight slowly fell as if it was timing.

    At this moment, Yu Sha suddenly remembered the story of “Trojan horse” which was heard when she was a child——if this was also the Dinoman’s Trojan Horse trick, how bad would it be? So humans hadn’t grown up for thousands of years, had they?

    If this was the case, wouldn’t she be a traitor to mankind? Yu Sha thought uneasily that the “Dinosaur Exhibition” was a lie, but everything now started because of her own lie……

    Lie……Yu Sha was deeply disturbed by these two words, but broadly speaking, this was indeed a dinosaur exhibition, wasn’t it? When the weight of the lie lightened slightly, a drop of water suddenly fell on Yu Sha’s face.

    “It’s raining?” But why it can rain indoors? She looked up in the direction where the water droplets fell, and suddenly there was the sound of metal screaming from the tall and luxurious indoor doom, and then the sound of glass breaking.

    The uninvited guest descended from the sky. Yu Sha thought it was a fire-breathing dragon at first, but this monster lacked two forelimbs than the fire-breathing dragon. She later guessed that it was an oversized and fat Pterosaur, but this monster was obviously much bigger than the Pterosaur. Besides, what supported its flight was not the patagium but the feathers. That creature was definitely not a bird. No bird could be as large as a flying elephant, and it had a long, slender, curved neck and a head with sharp teeth——when the scar-faced Dinoman appeared sitting on the neck of the monster that fell from the sky, Yu Sha knew that this coming creature was definitely not a guest.

    With shattering and roaring, the flying monster left a fossil-like imprint on the luxurious marble with its blade-like claws……How much did it cost?

    Yu Sha was so distressed that she was on the verge of tears, because she was the only responsible “person” in the whole event.

    The little robot stopped the mind detection, and the steel elf rushed to the place closest to the monster, releasing smoke, which was not thick, just like a thin layer of gauze, but it added more mystery to the terrifying atmosphere at the moment.

    The dinosaurs whose “exhibition” was interrupted became furious. The Rapator extended its long claws full of feathers, and the Yutyrannus showed its long knife-like teeth. But if this group of dinosaurs were a group of male lions, what they faced was a monster huger than an elephant.

    “What should I do?” The battle was imminent, and Yu Sha saw people’s expression turn from panic to disbelief, and from disbelief to more complex expressions.

    “You can’t fight here, for it will hurt innocent humans.” The Dinoman said. Yu Sha obviously agreed, and some meddling adults even got closer to cameras. Did these reckless adults think this was part of the show?

    “What should I do?” Although she didn’t ask, the Dinoman had realized.

    “Go to the stadium next to the exhibition.” The Dinoman ran towards the mist. He tried hard to urge the robot to increase the power of Horcrux, to temporarily calm the angry dinosaurs.

    “What should I do? We don’t have a reservation for the stadium next door!” Yu Sha shouted helplessly.

    “Book it now!” The Dinoman replied without even turning its head. A moment later, the sound of violent collision of bones and muscles was heard in the mist.

    Yu Sha had no choice but to make a call.

    Tens of thousands of possibilities flashed in Yu Sha’s mind. What should she do? Renting such a large venue, even if the money was in place, it also would take a day to go through the normal process. She did not know the phone number of the old man, and the last time it was pure luck to make her able to directly find the chairman of the board. Were the secretaries of the old man off work today? Normal people would ask For such damage to so many valuable facilities, normal people would ask for……

    But she only had the last call, and it was her only chance.

    “Hello, who are you looking for?” There came a hoarse and rude voice.

    “Hello, Mr. Li. It’s me, Yu Sha. Thank you for renting us the venue……although we broke some items.” The feeling of lying was like a fishbone getting stuck in her throat.

    “But we will definitely compensate you.” Yu Sha made up her mind and said it with great courage. She closed her eyes and told herself over and over again that even if she had to bear the debt for ten years, she would pay it back anyway.

    “So what do you want to say?” The voice on the other end of the phone became increasingly impatient, as if he would hang up at any time.

    “It happened suddenly, anyway, believe me, I need to rent the Olympic Stadium next to the venue……right now!” No lie was told, but the truth was hidden——a clever lie. Yu Sha didn’t feel any better about it.

    “Ok.” It seemed that the old man didn’t even think about it, and there was only laziness and impatience in his voice.

    There was only a beeping sound on the phone.

    “Are you ready? I can’t hold it any longer.” Then the voice became louder and closer, until with a “bang”, the Dinoman fell from the mist in front of Yu Sha, and the feather crown on his head fell off. Two tufts of long feathers fell, and the clean feathers were stained with ashes.

    “This must be quite painful……” Yu Sha thought.

    “Done!” Yu Sha replied.

    “Okay!” The Dinoman Zere held back the pain and then rushed into the mist again. The Dinoman and the little robot scattered left and right when they were closest to the monster, and the crazy giant bird monster was teased like a bullfight. The extremely annoyed monster recklessly smashed through the gemstone wall separating the venue from the stadium.

    “Mom, it that real?” The child sitting on his father’s shoulders was so frightened that he let go of the balloon. He cried and said to his mom beside him.

    The effect of the “truth” told by the little boy was similar to that of “the Emperor’s new clothes”. As the rubble of the wall collapsed, more adults realized that something might be wrong.

    Fear was like a nightmare, but it came faster than falling ashes. Panic was about to break out in the crowd, but who else can stand between panic and stampede? Yu Sha looked at the Dinoman Zere. Its battle was both difficult and dangerous.

    “Now, I’m the only one left. Everything is caused by me. If it’s not me……” But now it was not the time to blame herself. A strange thought flashed in Yu Sha’s mind,

    “My audience, I’m honored to introduce to you our special show today, Dinosaur vs Dragon!” That was the first complete lie that Yu Sha had ever said in her life. There was no doubt about it.

    “Ladies and gentlemen, this is a special program we have carefully arranged for you, to unleash the potential of all mechanical dinosaurs and present you the decisive battle between the dinosaur and…… and the dinosaur monster.”

    Simply she carried the lie to the end, and Yu Sha hoped for her mother’s forgiveness in her heart.

    However, the restless crowd still doubted this, and more people focused on the only exit. The dame virus made most of the doors tightly closed due to health and security checks.

    The joy could not stop here. If the ending of the story of “the emperor’s new clothes” was to be rewritten, the grand parade must continue.

    “Please go to the Olympic Stadium. Due to the epidemic, please consciously leave the first 10 rows, and take every other seat.” Yu Sha then glanced at the little robot. It immediately understood and inserted one of its arms into the optical fiber of the sound system, and the venue resounded with the ancient music “A Moonlit Night on the Spring River” .

    A strange look appeared on people’s faces.

    “Not this one!” Yu Sha was anxious and angry. The little robot’s eyes showed grievance, and then the song was changed to an exciting march.

    The Dinoman was relieved. He puffed out his long mouth, and blew out a long breath like a horn. The dinosaur, suppressed by the rage for a long time, seemed to be guided and ran towards the center of the stadium. From this point of view, Yu Sha felt that the relationship between the dinosaur and the Dinoman was very similar to the relationship between the human being and hunting dogs.

    “Try to keep the fight away from the audience.” Yu Sha reminded. This was the only protection she could do for human beings now.

    The people seated there cheered. In the center of the stadium where the mist had dispersed, an Argentinosaurus rushed in front of the monster and stood on its two feet. Its huge body, like a lowered suspension bridge, blocking the possibility of the giant bird monster retreating. Several Rapators took this opportunity to jump onto the back of the giant bird monster, leaving scars caused by their sharp teeth and claws.

    The blow that turned the situation around came from the heavy footsteps in the mist. An Ankylosaur came at the moment of the battle, swinging its tail like a giant hammer. Its heavy carapace made it run no faster than the old woman crossing the road. The giant bird monster could have easily avoided the rampage of the Ankylosaur but now its wings were bitten by the Tyrannosaurus, and he could not shake off the Raptor on its neck, and the Argentinosaurus standing behind it always lowered its huge body……The tail hammer of the Ankylosaur slammed into the ribs of the giant bird monster and the struggling monster fell to the ground in pain.

    At this moment in the air, the battle between the Dinomen was so fast that Yu Sha couldn’t focus on its with her eyes, until the two Dinomen fell in front of Yu Sha in embarrassment because of the lasting battle. Before that, they flew into the sky like the swordsmen in the movie.

    “Stop dreaming, brother. Don’t you understand? If you hand over the Horcrux, we can know where the ‘key’ is hidden earlier than any Dinoman.” The scar-faced Dinoman first climbed up, and his gasping voice sounded even more cruel. “The little trick of probing the human subconscious can be of great use if it is used in the right way.”

    “So why do we need to fight? You just need to make your small steel toy change the program setting. Don’t worry, the ‘key’ will be shared by you and me.” The evil Dinoman then made an invitation gesture. Yu Sha had a bad premonition. Along the way, the little monster seemed to have plans to destroy human beings, but why did he take action to protect human beings?

    “Think about it, why do we need to seek far and neglect what lies close at hand? That is the energy that has been accumulated for 65 million years. With the ‘key’, we will be the overlord of the entire earth and the entire time. Brother, isn’t it exciting?”

    “It sounds very tempting.” The little monster’s expression seemed to give up the fight. It spread its crest comfortably and closed its eyes.

    “But it doesn’t work at all!” The Dinoman put away its feather crown and suddenly opened its eyes. “It needs the complete map of all human hearts in the world to piece together the key. Only the inner subconscious minds of just tens of thousands of people here, we cannot even touch it.”

    Then the figure of the Dinoman Zere seemed to catch up with his voice quickly. He rushed in front of the scar-faced Dinoman and waved its claws. The battle immediately restarted.

    The scar-faced Dinoman who was finally defeated could only ride away on the “magic dragon giant bird”. They crashed the velarium of the stadium again. Fortunately, this time the little robot was smart enough to shoot a dazzling spotlight with its big eye, making everything look like the special stage effect. The crowd burst into applause.

    “This works?” Yu Sha breathed a sigh of relief.

    When the lights of the city came, the phone vibrated several times in succession. Yu Sha guessed that it was a message from her mother, probably asking her to go home quickly, so she did not have a look at the phone. The little girl looked at the moonlight hourglass of the little robot. Fortunately, all the silver sands were about to fall to the ground, symbolizing the experiment was about to be completed.

    “It will be over soon. It was a hard day. Fortunately, everything went smoothly.” The Dinoman said, wagging its tail. Its tail turned into a fan, and it thoughtfully helped Yu Sha wipe away the sweat on her face.

    Even though the closing time was approaching, people were still nostalgic for the dinosaurs in the exhibition hall.

    “Dear audience, the exhibition was coming to an end. Please exit in an orderly manner!” The little girl tried to make her voice sound mature. Today was too long for her, and she just wanted to end it soon.

    Yu Sha and a group of dinosaurs walked to the court. The huge dinosaurs walked from the garage into the basement one by one, passing by the flowers and plants in the basement that glowed alone. The wall with cracks turned into a soft liquid state as the dinosaurs approached, and then each dinosaur disappeared behind the wall.

    “You can go back. I really count on you today.” Could this be considered a thank you? However, the Dinoman’s face was full of disdain.

    “Thank you.” The words of thanks slid across the eye of the little robot.

    But how about then? Yu Sha recalled how luxurious the broken stadium originally was. What was even more outrageous was that the adults clearly saw the facts but seemed to be kept in the dark. The longer she followed these Dinomen, the more questions she felt……

    “Now should I go home alone and wait quietly for the destruction of the world?” Yu Sha sneered as anger and courage came together.

    “No!” Then she started running.

    “It’s also my choice!” She rushed into what appeared to be the wall of liquid.

    “I will protect the human!” Before disappearing into the liquid wall, Yu Sha proudly declared.