Chapter 13 Wise Man 65 Million Years Ago
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-08-06 10:36      字?jǐn)?shù):4272
    “So he is just a child.” Yu Sha said uneasily. But in order to find him——this child who was believed to have inherited the logic of the Saint of Great Wisdom, Yu Sha first destroyed a quiet city, and Yu Sha didn’t dare to think about how many Dinomen had been injured in the commotion. She hoped there were none, but what if she found the lonely child? Yu Sha had an ominous premonition.

    “Then the data memory in the ‘system’ will be connected to his head, which might hurt a bit!” The Dinoman Zere said with a rock-solid tone. The burning sky had not been calm, and they walked towards the White Tower through the burning sea water around them. The little robot followed them quietly, as if the trip was just an outing.

    “No, he’s still a child!” Yu Sha stopped to show that she couldn’t back down. “Do you still remember what you said? You don’t have the power to force people to choose!”

    “He has no right to choose! He is part of all Dinomen, part of the whole. Now all Dinomen are facing a fatal threat!” This was the first time that Yu Sha saw the anger of the Dinoman. It expressed danger with its protruding fangs and long mouth, and its erect feather crown and the look that put half of his face in the shadow showed the determination of the Dinoman without any hesitation.

    But threats? Dinomen under threats? Who would be the enemy of this group of guys who claimed to destroy mankind? Weren’t the Dinomen the root of all trouble?

    “This group of dinosaurs should have disappeared 65 million years ago!” Yu Sha’s angry voice was like a curse. At the same time, she quickly thought of several ways, to make the little Dinoman leave quickly while the Dinoman paid no attention to it. For fighting alone, this little monster may not be her opponent. Although it was related to the dinosaur, the little monster was a head shorter than him.

    Usually in school, boys of the same size as her were not her rivals……

    “So we need him to save us again! 65 million years ago, it was the wisdom of the Saint of Great Wisdom that temporarily kept us Dinomen away from the end of the world.” The little monster walked very close to Yu Sha with a ferocious expression, and then slapped its tail on the ground. Yu Sha felt a strong wind on her face, and she closed her eyes in fear.

    “Give up all you stupid thoughts. You can’t change your fact. This child has no choice, and his destiny is to protect the Dinoman.” The Dinoman’s tail stayed in front of the long mouth, and he covered up his cruelty with blooming feathers. “If you don’t make stupid decisions, the human world can exist for a long time.”

    “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen.” The eye of the little robot was full of comfort. The gentleness given by the little steel guy did not make Yu Sha feel at ease. In the burned-out ocean behind the little robot, more monsters as huge as mountains were sleeping in the mysterious man’s containers, but the pipelines of all containers clearly pointed in the direction of the White Tower.

    “Do you want to wake up these sleeping giant beasts?” Yu Sha thought uneasily. She had seen the awakened giant beast before, and knew that those monsters were far more terrifying than any kind of dinosaur.

    They entered the White Tower. There was nothing in the pure white environment, but the Dinoman used his claws to draw “cracks” in the pure white space and took out a helmet-like object. He inserted one end of it into the little robot’s body, and the other side was worn on the head of the little Dinoman.

    “It needs additional power, link bioenergy.” The Dinoman said to the little robot, and then the armor on the side of the little robot opened, and several wires like snakes drilled into the ground of the white space.

    Chaos seemed to have been drained from the pure white, and the white mist dispersed. Yu Sha found that under her feet were more sleeping “cans”, as well as giant beasts as strong as mountains in the cans, sleeping like babies. Some had six or seven heads, and some were in the shape of toads but with swan-like wings. They were all similar to a certain kind or several types of dinosaurs, but their bodies were exaggeratedly huge.

    At this time, the little robot was absorbing energy from these monsters, so these sleeping monsters became strange batteries again.

    “Stay there and don’t move. Don’t touch anything. Don’t say anything……”

    Yu Sha responded silently. The ferocious attitude of the Dinoman forced her to get closer to the gentle little robot, but that poor little guy has turned into a magical tool for connecting and summoning.

    The pure white in the space suddenly flickered, and Yu Sha knew that the “magic” had begun to work. The eyes of the little robot looked into the void, and then the light sports gathered, and the virtual image gradually became clear. It was a Dinoman projected by the light——the folds on the neck, the broken and withered pale feathers, and the deep gaze, this was a Dinoman old enough.

    “Why did you wake me up from my deep sleep?” The broken voice seemed to be accusing.

    “Your Excellency, we need your wisdom.” The Dinoman said reverently.

    “This is none of my business. Remember, I have saved the world twice, and I have the right to get peace.” The old Dinoman said with his broken feathers erected, but maybe the eyes of the old Dinoman were not full of rejection.

    “For the sake of you being able to put me back together again, maybe I can try to help you solve some problems.”

    “So is it you? Human cub, are you the one who found my soul?” The aging eyes focused on her, and the old Dinoman looked up at Yu Sha, with a sense of surprise in his chaotic eyes.

    “I also saw three human cubs 65 million years ago, but they were not as special as you……” The tone was the same as an adult’s pity.

    But humans 65 million years ago? At that time, mammals were similar to mice. Had this aging Dinoman been “dead” for long? How could he have seen a human being? But looking back at the Dinoman, its eyes were still pious, and its unshakable attitude seemed to prove something……What was more bizarre than a myth? The resurrected Dinoman from 65 million years ago said he had seen three humans?

    “So little girl, this is none of my business. Although I don’t thank you at all for finding me for my kind, I still have to ask……” The aging Dinoman “came” to her with shambling steps, even though in fact he didn’t need to “walk”. Everything about him was light and the shadow thrown into the void, but he seemed to really exist. It even used its tail as a third leg to stabilize its shaky steps.

    “Are you voluntary? Did they give you the right to choose when you got there? This is the oath of the dinosaurs, a rule established 65 million years ago.”

    Yu Sha remembered the little monster repeating “you have the right to choose, and remember this is your choice”. At first Yu Sha thought it was politeness, but then Yu Sha thought it was conscience, and finally Yu Sha thought it was pity. Now it seemed that it was nothing but following the rules.

    “Don’t stand silent, little human cub. Don’t be afraid! No one will punish you for telling the truth. On the contrary, if my kind breaks the oath I made and uses you to find me, then I will immediately escape in the void, never to return, for lying Dinomen don’t deserve to be saved again.”

    It was such a “wonderful” sense of ritual. The show of the old Dinoman reminded Yu Sha of her Dad’s self-righteousness for some reason—— “Good girl, you did a good job, so I will reward you with this.” At this time, her Dad would always take out the newly bought Barbie doll. He thought that it was natural for a girl to love Barbie doll, and then he talked endlessly about how much Yu Sha’s Aunt once loved this toy……

    So was the old Dinoman looking forward to showing the little girl’s obedience?

    “No! No one forced me to do anything, and I came here voluntarily.” Yu Sha said forcefully, and then an inexplicable sense of pride welled up in her heart. “All these are my choice, including finding you.”

    “So it seems that things are developing exactly as I thought 65 million years ago.” The old Dinoman said in disappointment. His expression and feathers condensed into a picture of resentment, like a big bird that had been made wet.

    “No. How could this phantom who just woke up know everything? He must be pretending.”

    If she didn’t think so, Yu Sha felt that she was the big bird in trouble. Obviously it was her own choice, so how could others know all this 65 million years ago?

    “You are also a key, kid!” Although the illusive old Dinoman’s speech had improved a lot, but the key? Yu Sha found it harsh. “When you met my memory on the first floor, I knew you would find my soul on the second layer of the ‘Silent World’. It’s like inserting the right key into a lock of the door, and opening it is just a matter of course.”

    “This is none of my business, but girl, you have accomplished all this, so you should be proud of yourself.”

    However, the old Dinoman changed when his phantom looked directly at the Dinoman. “Is she the one who made the ‘system’ go wrong?”

    “Yes, Your Excellency!” The Dinoman said frightenedly, its huddled feathers even trembling. “Her choice was different from all the human subjects. He took something from the dream.”

    “Let me see what that is.” The virtual old Dinoman approached Yu Sha. She instinctively backed away, but was almost tripped by the stationary robot.

    “Watch out!” No doubt the Dinoman was worried about the power line connecting the little robot to the monster’s “battery”, but right now Yu Sha was even more afraid of the old Dinoman’s outstretched claws. The wrinkled claws were close enough, and Yu Sha could see the scales on the virtual image……It felt like a ghost’s touch. Her breathing almost stopped the moment the old Dinoman touched it. Fortunately, the claws in the void just passed her neck without any feeling.

    “Horcrux?” The virtual old Dinoman exclaimed. “It chose to turn into your voice.”

    “No one has ever tried to take anything away from the nightmare! Most people want to leave immediately, but this little girl is an exception.” The Dinoman added.

    Of course Yu Sha remembered the origin of her voice. In that nightmare, before the corner came, she chose to take away her Dad’s gift. Unexpectedly, the Dinoman put something more important in the gift, and finally left it in her nightmare……

    The loss of this item seemed to have become a nightmare for the Dinoman.

    “We originally wanted to wake up the sleeping giant monster yesterday and eradicate the humans who hinder us from this world. She is the last subject, and all circumstances indicate that humans are hopeless.” The Dinoman said cruelly. “But she is different from what we expected, and different from what the ‘system’ expected, so……”

    “So you didn’t activate the giant beast according to the time, and the humans on the ground are still alive and well?” The expression of the virtual old Dinoman was like a real devil. “It’s so stupid. We should have returned to the ground 100, 000 years ago. It’s also because of the guys like you, who have brain problems to make friends with humans and think humans more important than your own kind.”

    “Wait a minute, we humans have clearly done nothing, and we don’t even know your existence at all!” Yu Sha argued. The goodwill created by politeness disappeared, and the old Dinoman in front of her was just another demon.

    “My child, you know nothing at all. It’s not your fault. All of us Dinomen should have woken up 100, 000 years ago. We have already spent the long time of Cretaceous extinction by sleeping, and the reason why we fell asleep the longer time, until now is that we know that the weight of the moon after being hit has changed, and the gravity of the earth after that may not be suitable for our long-time survival, so we have locked one new planet in the universe where the gravity is suitable and the environment is suitable. 65 million years ago, we sent the pioneers to that planet for environmental modification, while most of the Dinomen were waiting on the earth for the energy of time and space to be filled. We need to take every Dinoman with us. I mean 100 million Dinomen and more dinosaurs. This requires an incalculable amount of energy, so this long wait lasts for tens of millions of years.” The old Dinoman slowly told a story in the void that was older than the myth.

    “This is good! But if your purpose is to leave, why will you destroy the human?” asked Yu Sha.

    “Because you are a hidden danger! Humans are naturally fond of killing and full of lies! Look at your present Earth, your so-called happy life, how many species have gone extinct because of the human?” said the old Dinoman, claiming to be righteous. “It’s none of my business, but I woke up 100, 000 years ago last time, and what happened at that time made me have no illusions about the human.”

    “We have trusted the human, for more than once. Our appeal is to wait until there is full energy, and to make our fellow Dinomen wake up safely and then leave the Earth that is no longer suitable for us. You should be able to understand that just like waking up in a dream is the most vulnerable time for the human, it will also take a very long time to recover after we Dinomen have slept for tens of millions of years. Like a frozen frog, it will take a process to recover to bounce, and in this process, we are like lambs to be slaughtered.”

    Yu Sha opened her eyes wide. What did the human do to this group of Dinomen? They are now to revenge?

    Just as Macao had been originally the home of the black-faced spoonbill, the human came to this city, almost making this species extinct. If the black-faced spoonbill had the ability of dinosaurs, Yu Sha would not be surprised that they will revenge on humans.

    “Little girl, you have seen our White Tower.” As if having seen through Yu Sha’s mind, the virtual old Dinoman calmly told another long story. Of course, Yu Sha knew what the old Dinoman referred to. The White Tower standing between the underground heaven and earth was at least the height of supporting the two worlds of the underground Dinosaur World, because Yu Sha had seen the two worlds of the Dinomen. But she was not sure whether this was the whole of the underground world.

    “It’s long and tall, isn’t it?” The old Dinoman asked sadly, as if his sorrow was more than the tower. “Once here, the White Tower stood above the ground. At that time, the island was not called Macao, but it was the center of human civilization on the whole Earth.”

    “Here, we Dinomen helped the human ancestors to build the tower, which was called by them as ‘Sky Tower’. In order to prevent the ice river and even the glaciers melt too fast, causing the seaside rise to cover the human tribes, the pioneers of the Dinomen who woke up first and your human ancestors made the ‘Sky Tower’ closer to the stars. The “Sky Tower” in the lofty dome sprinkled the seeds to keep the Earth cold, to ensure that human habitat would not be flooded.”

    “However, the humans on the ground did not understand our intentions. They only saw that the falling frost and snow made the human livelihoods difficult. They regarded the flood of glaciers melting we warned as rumors with ulterior motives. Therefore, they regarded the high tower built by the wise humans and us as a disaster, regarded the technology we gave to the human as a gift of demons, and called us Dinomen as reptile demons……”

    “Even those wise humans who claimed to believe in science and technology and cooperated with us actually had other plans. When the war between human beings was inevitable, they chose to steal the energy we had stored for thousands of years.” The old Dinoman coughed fiercely.

    “At least part of the energy, not all, maybe even those humans still had some gratitude. Those humans finally chose to transform the ‘Sky Tower’ on the ground into a spaceship to fly into space before the great war between the humans, so as to avoid the decisive battle between human beings caused by whether to believe in science.”

    “Everything is so stupid, isn’t it? I’m afraid that only human beings will attack each other because of different beliefs. At that time, I realized for the first time that human beings were too dependent on lies! Lies make a difference. More and more lies will make human beings split more thoroughly and eventually die out.”

    “The energy stolen by human beings needs to be supplemented for one hundred thousand years, so all Dinomen have to sleep for another hundred thousand years.”

    “Therefore, the only thing you have to do is to leave, but why do you have to be hostile to the human?” asked Yu Sha, “Even if what you said is true, it has nothing to do with the present human beings.”

    “Because humans are all voracious species, we were at peace with each other because the wars between humans a hundred thousand years ago brought the surviving humans back to the Stone Age. If you humans now know the existence of us with the energy saved for millions of years……Girl, please tell me. If one day you have far more wealth in your pocket than that of the whole world, and all the people in the world know it, will you sleep peacefully on a bench in the park?” The old Dinoman told her. “The consciousness map has given a clear answer. Human beings have not changed, and greed is deeply imprinted in human genes. If all Dinomen want to wake up more safely, we must wipe you humans off the surface of the Earth before that.”

    “You have no right to do that!” Pale justice and powerless baby voice, Yu Sha had tried her best to stop, but she knew that her speaking can’t change anything unless……

    “Even if you are a heterogeneous or special human, special in that you take something away in the nightmare. Although this is the only sample in the whole ‘system’, but the mapping of large-scale subconsciousness maps shows that human beings are still greedy and brutal, just like your ancestors a hundred thousand years ago, and……” The old Dinoman’s virtual hand was lifted weakly, and its blunt claw pointed to Yu Sha’s mouth. “It’s none of my business, but humans are good at lying, and the Dinomen can’t afford another deception.”

    “It’s none of my business, and I think I’ve explained it enough. Now, Zere, I’m authorizing you to ignore the system exceptions in the 656th trial, and to maintain the original judgment of the ‘system’ can wipe out all humans.”

    “But……Your Excellency!” The Dinoman made one step further and said.

    “You little humans can stay. Well, it’s not my business, and this is just my greatest kindness.”

    “No, I mean that the star chart was divided into two parts 65 million years ago. One was in the black Horcrux in the ‘system’, and the other……in the experiment dream, the white Horcrux turned into the liquid and entered into the little girl’s body.” The Dinoman said coldly, but the trembling mouth, the widening eyes and the flapping feather crest made Yu Sha feel that all these were expressions of telling a lie. “We can’t know where we are sailing until the black and white Horcruxs are combined together.”

    “This is not a question. I know the answer. Let’s start now……destroy human being!” The figure of the old Dinoman flickered at that moment, like a demon drawn by blue flames.

    “It’s now!” A voice floated from the ethereal place. The voice was both familiar and strange. Bang-Bang-Bang, the violent heartbeat sounded like a drum beaten by courage.

    Before that moment, Yu Sha retreated instinctively and finally came to the right place. In two-thirds of a second, the retreating Yu Sha was tripped over the energy line connected to the small robot, and the moment she collapsed, she removed the wire connecting the little robot.

    The old Dinoman returned to the illusory abyss again.

    “Don’t come here! Otherwise……” Otherwise, what he said afterwards would be a lie anyway. Even though the little robot was lifted high, and the posture was like breaking the piggy bank, even though the little robot that had been taken as the piggy bank had just woken up, and the work of making “magic” had been ended. The steel elf was just a machine, wasn’t it? It was looking at her with its big, sleep, innocent eye, and its look was almost like human beings’ disbelief and sadness.

    “I can only do this. Don’t hate me.” Yu Sha chose not to look at the expression of the little robot. The Dinoman stretched its claws angrily, leaned down and roared at her. “The Saint of Great Wisdom who issued the threat has disappeared. Without the little robot, you cannot resummon the dead demons. Unless you want to stay underground forever, or in sleep for longer than 65 million years, stop your plan to destroy mankind now. Otherwise……”

    Yu Sha still didn’t have the courage to say what was following. No matter how, saying that would definitely hurt the steel elf she held in her hand, right? However, she glanced at the little Dinoman next to her who had just woken up and been used as a “soul”——he was still a child, wasn’t he? The little Dinoman looked at her with its eyes widely open as if he had just woken up from a dream……

    An innocent child like herself, so sorry for the little robot, Yu Sha silently felt guilty again, but she was determined to put all her eggs in one basket to protect human beings.

    “Besides……You have to let me return to the human world and take it with me!” Yu Sha smiled with tears. She once thought it would be a smile of victory. “This is my choice. You said I had the power to choose, and now I need to exercise it.”