Chapter 2 The Chosen One
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2023-12-23 10:38      字?jǐn)?shù):2596
    Flickering bonfires danced on the tattooed faces of the warriors, their expressions frozen into hostile threats.

    I actually got worried for the False God, after all, it looked like he was just a kid, a kid about my age.

    "…… Lord Lei Xun, I'm here for a contract, the one I made with your father thirty years ago…… Your father should have told you about the contract." The False God was responding with neither servility nor insolence as if he did not care about the perceived threat of the warriors.

    He then proceeded to take out a glass glowing with numerical symbols, which seemed to be attached with, as if by “magic”, words appeared and disappeared on the glass ……

    What struck me, however, was the childish face of the false God. He was obviously my age, but how did he know about my grandfather? I stared at him in disbelief but he turned around and smiled at me.

    "Take away your dirty magic, it flickering and obviously not accurate. If you are sure that the contract really exists, you should show the writing on vellum. Writing on glass is as fickle as your credit! '

    The glass attached by the "magic" was smashed by my father, and the boots made of the paws of saber-toothed tigers crushed with pleasure on the crumbs.

    "I may not be able to prove anything, Lord Lei Xun."

    "It would take too much of your time and mine to talk about the old contract or to persuade you of its contents, and it would be quite unnecessary, wouldn't it? Lord Lei Xun."

    The delicate, pale face remained the same. Kun, the messenger of the False God, continued to speak calmly.

    "But what is mentioned at the end of the deed, I would like to ask you to take a second look at it, and I think that what is there I feel that what's mentioned there is a rare opportunity for you."

    "…… Destroy us False Gods once and for all, and remove the Tower of False Gods, hated by mortals, from the world Remove forever …… Wise you would not miss such an opportunity, would you?"

    At this moment, Kun, who proclaimed his self-destruction, lightly spread his arms in an embracing gesture, as if he was meeting a grand dinner party.

    My father laughed so hard that he almost fell off his throne, even if it was a little awkward, but my father did not care…… The warriors, who had always held their breath, followed the clamor. The tent became restless on the snowy night.

    My father's eyes solidified into ice after the maniacal laugh.

    "So, this must be another of your false gods' lies …… You deliberately feigned to be one of the False Gods' of traitors, say, what exactly are you scheming?"

    A bloodied spear of Belkin suddenly lunged at the neck of Kun.

    The dim candlelight magnified my father's shadow several times, like a monster waiting to eat people with its mouth wide open. The fate of Kun became dangerous at this moment.

    "Maybe you have misunderstood something, your Excellency?"

    A shifting orange color swam in front of the silver figure of Kun, a field of glass fragments returned to full form, and the enchanted glass flew again to my father.

    "If you are patient, the words you say will flash, contain not only risk and effort but also the opportunity to write a detailed plan……"

    After a little glance at the magic glass, my father's face became dark, but the Kun, the child of False God as old as I was, never showed fear.

    "So, everything was planned long ago, but you …… why?"

    My father's tone was incredulous, but I could still hear the subtle anticipation.

    "Like mortal human, the False Gods you speak of are not all one. The race of False Gods is also full of contradictions."

    "Believe me, it's good for you as well as me……"

    "Of course, if you really can't make up your mind, I might try my luck with any tribe nearby." Kun sighed to leave, some of his wistful eyes seemed to mourn for my father's missed opportunity.

    "Besides, I appreciate you calling us heavenly beings rather than False Gods. Only the unsuspecting would overreach themselves and consider themselves gods. My people have been on the path to nothingness for too long, and all my cohorts and I have to do is to give life…… possibilities again."

    “Possibility”, these five syllables were sung by the Kun like an aria, long-drawn-out and meaningful. I'm sure even the coldest of the tribe will be drawn by the sound of his voice and begin to think a little about the possibilities of what he's saying.

    "How can I be sure this isn't a trap?"

    After the short distraction, my father bent close, with pupils magnified astonishingly, and stared at Kun.

    "It is simple, Your Excellency. All you have to do is visit the 'farmland' where we heavenly beings draw our energy from the Earth's core. If, as I say, it’s weak, you and your people can swarm over it and completely destroy the ‘farmland’ that the False God's Babel relies on for its energy." The False God advisedly advised my father.

    "When you put it that way, it makes it even more of a trap." My father disdainfully rejected Kun's proposal.

    "The heavenly ones may take the opportunity to ambush us and find the mortals the first to break the 'iron law' as an excuse to wipe us out in one fell swoop!"

    "There is no place for an ambush, Your Excellency." Kun faced his father's successive denials without wavering.

    "My people built the ‘farmland’, and when it was built, we were told to keep it a secret! Even those in the heavens rarely know exactly where it is located, it is the only desert on Earth, the Red Desert."

    "The Red Desert?” My father's brow knitted a few moments at this remark. This ominous place name seemed to touch something…… Father was the best fighter, the strongest hunter, and the most fearless warrior, but he happened not to be a good thinker, and his thinking was always longer than his hunting.

    "Yes, the Red Desert. The soft sand there could not withstand the weight of steel, and it was almost impossible for an army to ambush there. I will go with you, and if anything happens, you can kill me at once." Death was spoken easily by Kun, " Other than that, you don't have to pay anything."

    "Do you remember? We heavenly people are still bound by the covenant of our ancestors, and we cannot strike first before mortal wounds are inflicted upon them."

    Existence mechanism of False Gods: False Gods cannot actively attack mortals unless they are threatened mortally. Grandma used to say that it was the True God's bondage to the False Gods, not letting the False Gods do whatever they wanted in the world……

    This was something the mortals of our world knew, and people know just as much…… At the whim of the False Gods, they could easily, with their iron machinery attached to digital demons wipe us out.

    Seemingly worried about my father's stubbornness, the man in the sky, Kun, was still step-by-step analyzing my father's analysis.

    "The iron law of not being allowed to harm mankind in the first place is, as you say, a great covenant made between the True God and the heavenly beings, and we cannot help but follow such a covenant and make it the bottom line of our behavior."

    "Such an iron law is a bind for those in heaven, but an opportunity for mortals……"

    "The False Gods are powerless to challenge the True Gods. An iron machine possessed by a digital demon would be useless in the presence of the True God, the mother of life!" My father's look gradually eased. When Kun talked about the iron law, my father raised his chin highly.

    "Yes, Your Excellency, not everyone in heaven is blind to the existence of the True God, and our people consider this action as a rare opportunity to return to the arms of Life's mother."

    It seemed that Kun was really looking forward to the mortals’ world. Observing Kun’s sincere and pure face, I cannot help doubting the accuracy of the name "False God".

    Grandma used to say that the False gods and the mortals were once human, but the mortals wanted freedom and beauty, while the False gods —— their eyes were only on the digital magic that drives the steel, and the world above the sky. For these, the ancestors of the False gods rejected the gift of the mother of life, they forbade desire, they forbade freedom. Just to better dissolve the soul in digital magic, and in order to pursue the world that was higher than the sky.

    It was Father's judgment that the False Gods were human beings enslaved by the digital demons, except that the digital demons made them lose their hearts and minds and eventually became the shells of the Digital Demons. The False Gods did everything they could to harm nature, such as using the Sky Tower to spread the cold. Although False Gods did not directly kill mortals, they were responsible for almost all the disasters in this world.

    "If you're not lying……" My father's deep voice rang in my ear, but I knew that my father was answering his deepest desire.

    "And when?"

    Kun looked around. After looking at the tribe's tattooed warriors, his face became a little hesitant.

    "Your Excellency, I have noticed one thing, the manpower in your tribe is not enough. Destroying the 'farmland’ is not difficult, but once it is destroyed it is like declaring war, and when the pact is invalidated, the people of Heaven will surely go on a killing spree. To gain this unearthly favor, more humans will be needed to enter the conduct the battle."

    My father's forehead, which had only just been relieved, was now furrowed again.

    "Or, I need an emissary to unite more tribes on your behalf, and……"

    Just noticed that there was room for discussion, my father obviously did not notice Kun’s desire to speak.

    My father pointed to the warriors around him, indicating that the Kun could be chosen at will. These warriors were the pride of the tribe, one more valiant than the other, one stronger than the other, and the notch in their ears, on the other hand, are heights I'll never reach in my life -all the notches were Warriors' medals, a notch for having killed a man, the warlike warriors' ears became jagged, and even some warriors' ears, with no more place to cut, became a puddle of connected pieces. toothed, and even some of the warriors' ears, with no more place to lay their swords, became puddles of connected notches.

    But Kun's eyes only quickly swept over these warriors, and eventually miraculously settled on my body.

    "Why him? My father asked in disbelief, echoing the thoughts of many warriors.

    "I see something else in your child's eyes…… Something interesting." Kun answered with certainty.

    " Moreover, Your Excellency, it is a coincidence that we share the same hobby - watching the sky…."The interest between the two children was clearly not encouraged by the adults, so the sound of heavy breathing was soon replaced by suspicion and ridicule. It was just that fleeting moment when my father was suddenly alert.

    "All I can say is, you'll regret it. Man of heaven, interest is the most useless thing in this cold world." Yes, no maintenance, my father's sarcasm, again bittered my heart. "Speaking of interest, though, you reminded me that since your people built the energy 'farmland', why would you destroy what you built with your own hands?"

    "Is it also because of interest?" The warriors in the tent laughed.

    "As wise as you are, even though we have built the world's greatest energy ‘farmland’, because of the powerful fanatics in the sky Tower, they are obsessed with raining more frozen frosted floss on the world in order to satisfy their excessive desire that the Mother of Life cannot satisfy them—— to keep the earth cold and prevent warmth from coming to the world. But against the Mother of Life, the ‘farmland’ that our people have managed to build is already overwhelmed and in danger of collapsing at any moment." Kun's faint wrinkled brow seemed to confirm the authenticity of his words, "If really to that day, 'farmland' really collapses, our people will be slaughtered by other people in heaven. Instead of doing so, it would be better to destroy the 'farmland' first by the hands of mortals …… In this way, the inevitable eventual collapse would not be blamed on our people, and our people could be spared by being spared……" There was finally a glimmer of brightness in my father's gaze.

    "The warming of the world is the will of Gods. It is irreversible. Tainting the gods will only lead to destruction, but the men in heaven are determined to do so, and if my people are to survive, the first step we must take is to take down the powerful heavenly men."

    Obviously, my father was very satisfied with the answer. For the first time, my father looked at me with hope in his eyes, and he signaled me to "escort" Kun walked out of the tent……

    I looked at Kun walking in the night, only a pale blue halo shining around him in the misty darkness.

    "You have questions to ask me, don't you?" Kun looked at me with a confident expression as if he knew everything in my mind.

    "Why me?” I finally asked what I was thinking.

    Kun looked at my eyes deeply and thoroughly, equality with praise. In the tribe, only grandmother once looked at me like this.

    "All beings in this world are more or less flawed, but only you do not lack anything …… you, are perfect!" Were I perfect? Even if Kun said it quite sincerely, I still felt that this was a False God in deception.

    My father had taught all his people to learn from and serve the True God humbly all the time. And "perfect? The words of False God offended humility…… I was nothing in my father's eyes, and always have been, even in my own.

    "Time will tell." Kun seemed to guess my mind, "And will answer all your doubts."

    "But how can I be perfect? A man without defects is no longer a god?" Kun in the end was a False God, False God was such a gratuitous conceit.

    "Eventually you'll understand, but I hope the day doesn't come too soon……"

    I didn't understand what he was saying, but when I tried to ask him again……"Go to bed, and don't forget, we've got to get up early tomorrow. We are in a hurry to get on the road!" After that, Kun's ethereal and unrestrained figure disappeared in the night.