Chapter 13  The Winner
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-08-06 10:34      字?jǐn)?shù):2356
    Up, again, sharply, and with the sneer of Qian, we were once more captives, once more heading for the top of the sky.

    The stars in the sky are like the reflections of thousands of creatures in the night, and the "eyes in the sky" in the absolute height of the thin clouds twinkle as if they are breathing, and it is hard to say that they are not alive.

    “I've had enough of all this, the lies of the False Gods!” The hammer, which had been handed back by the old False God, was clutched tightly in the bearded man’s hands. The Dwarven chief looked viciously hostile towards Qian, but Qian had learned the power of the False Gods and knew that the hammer in his hand was no more than a display in the eye of the False Gods.

    "My brother, for the last time, I urge you to stop! I'm willing to give you the best chance before the elevator reaches the throne……" Qian watched Kun with sympathy. Their blue and red pupils stared at each other like to make time to stop. "Kun, I have no choice now, we can't let the mortals stop marching, couldn't tell them, we have known their attack time…… we can’t dissuade them from the tragedy of blood —— all this is the redemption you should do. End this farce, Kun!"

    Kun did not care about Qian, his eyes closely watched the earth far away, looking at the distance in a silent trance.

    "You are a hopeless traitor!” Qian’s red pupils were like breathing fire.

    "My brother, if you really love mortals, perhaps I can help you advise them to retreat…… If you could only tell me a little more, like where would the mortal army attack the Sky Tower? Trust me, I will fulfill your kindness to mortals!" Blood red pupil hidden greedy desires. Qian looked at Kun fiercely without a trace of the proper older brother's look.

    I was relieved that the False God had guessed when we would attack, but had not yet discovered the place we would attack……

    "My brother, I will not do that. It would only result in an early outbreak of war. Mortals will not believe what the heavenly people say." Even though Kun's arm was tied behind his back, he still smiled calmly.

    "How poor, my younger brother." Blood-red pupils coquettishly close to Kun's calm face, "You started the war, I put out the war, see what I have done for you, why are you always unwilling to appreciate it?" However, Kun was still indifferent, "Fine, you have missed the last chance, now it is time to think about the consequences, my brother. For example, think about how you should face our king, bear the king's anger!"

    The moon in the sky was about to complete, and the ferocious smile on Qian’s face bloomed. False God with red pupils in front of us. I could only see from his shadow that there was the last part for the waning moon to become the full moon- that was our only time left.

    "Too soon to get excited, Qian. This time I lost, but it was far from the end." Kun said, staring at his brother who had already with a smile of victory on his face.

    Qian did not continue to speak, but put his hands around his chest and shrugged his shoulders unconcernedly.

    The bearded did not participate in the quarrel between the brothers of False Gods, perhaps out of boredom or out of desperation……

    "Lies! It's all lies! Damn False God, deceiving themselves." A muffled voice repeated over and over again from the side of the dwarf chief's clinging beard.

    Yet the rise continued…… The ground had disappeared a long time ago. The clouds had taken its place. And now even the thin clouds were distant, and then lightning and thunder lit them up again —— they rolled like the sea in a raging wave.

    "So lucky, rare to see…… This is my favorite scene." The distant thunderstorm he was pointing at with his long arm, a thunderbolt came down from the sky, and in the lightning-lit night, the shocking giant slowly passed before our eyes…… The blades of the Sky Tower streak before us like the sharp blades of the Great Ancient God that hang over the world —— two great blades, one scarlet, and the other cold and deep blue, with a life that would make the grandest mountains pale, and they wheeled slowly, slowly but inexorably. The pink frosted floss crystallized on the surface of their large, swirling leaves, and was then thrown with rotating inertia to the earth by the wheels that stretch to the end of the sky.

    "This is what made the cold world! I want revenge for Ella, who was my third daughter. And my mother, I'll never be able to wear my mother's wool coat again."

    When the bearded man witnessed the culprit who created the frosted floss, the Dwarf raised his hammer in a desperate attempt to smash the very thing that created his tragedy…… Whether he was facing the mountains or the swords of the giant God, the way he put all his courage together was like an ant charging the giant rhino with reckless abandon.

    "Take your life! "Bellowed the Dwarven chief, but the False God’s guard struck him down again with a magical weapon. The bearded man's short, fat body collapsed with a thud.

    When the rise stopped, I became aware of where I was. The harsh light dominated the narrow space again until the light began to tilt and spin, gradually moving away, lighting up one faraway place after another…… The vast man-made environment appeared again, but there were no other items, and no lines could be seen from far away. Here, it was empty and simple, just like a pure white space.

    Mortals once called the top of the sky tower "a wound opened by a comet." If anyone from the ground accidentally saw the top of the Sky Tower, it was regarded as a bad omen. It was said that the person who saw it was bound to have a bad time, and I was now at the center of a mortal nightmare.

    A light step approached us. "Here he comes, the King of False God you speak of, don’t say too much!" Kun reminded me that for a king, such steps are too soft, but for a wise man, such steps are too young.

    "I hear you're following the full moon."

    A clear voice broke through the silence, and in the pure white "wilderness" he arrived as an angel. An angel - a hairless child with blue skin and a silver cloak outlined in golden lines. His smile was too wide to be that of a stranger.

    The False God’s guards and Qian, knelt on one knee in front of such a "friendly" smile, his reverent eyes only resting at the “child's” feet, proving once again that he was a king. "My king, my Lord Mi Long. I bring you two travelers from this mortal world, and…… A traitor."

    "Traitor? Maybe you said that too much. If strictly speaking, sympathy for mortals is treachery, all our heavenly people from the bottom world are traitors."

    Said the King of False God who was a “child”, a spirited and mischievous expression was evident on his blue face

    "But you are different, Kun. Your treachery does not stop with your mouth…… Encouraging humans to launch electromagnetic pulse waves to attack the Sky Tower. Do you know how serious a threat this poses to us heavenly people?"

    The "child" with the uncrowned crown knocked Kun's head with his slender arm. His eyes showed a sly look, " It's funny to say that once the ultimate heavenly people traded metropolis method of self-defense, yet it was activated by mortals and used to attack heavenly people. The simulated solar storm that had been building up in the abandoned city under the simulated solar storm that was meant for the 'Summer of Despair'…… In that desperate summer a thousand years ago, eight hundred thousand mortals surrounded the trading city, threatening to kill everyone in it……"

    "Fortunately, on that day, the first DI system running for the first time found a better solution to avoid bloodshed, oh! I may have said too much about the past. But Kun, really have you, you use the science and technology of heaven to attack heavenly people which makes me impressed."

    The False God King's eyes looked at Kun like he was really praising him, and a sincere smile appeared on his tender face.

    "On this point, Qian, you will never surpass your younger brother. Kun is good at thinking, and you, Qian, are just a loyal subordinate." Mi Long, the King of False God, was unsparing in his praise of the traitor and turned to his faithful lackey with another stern expression.

    "Well, I have talked too much indeed. I will think of what to do with our heavenly people traitors later. We cannot lose the precious time of both mortals…… Now we need to get down to business." The white light in the endless space finally came to an end, and I could feel the danger as the dark red flowing light appeared again like a ghost.

    "Digital demon! Is it coming again?" "Said the bearded man warily.

    "Yes, now that I've said so much and you still won't talk, I think it's worth getting the DI system to listen." "Said Mi Long, the King of the False God, in a childish voice.

    "Now tell us, what are you planning? Say it, and you two, distinguished guests from the ground, will soon be home…… In return, I will guarantee your tribe good luck in the coming year —— you will find that there’s no need to hunt, and they will find their way to your pot."

    “But you will never bring my little girl Ella back! Liar! Hypocrite!" The bearded man roared at Mi Long, the King of the False Gods, the pain of losing his children and his mother made the bearded lose control whenever he mentioned the digital demon.

    "Unfortunately, the heavenly people are only responsible for the future. If you can put yourself in the position of the heavenly beings and think you will realize that all that you have lost is not worth grieving for. The so-called emotions are nothing but the shackles of biological attributes imposed on human intelligence ……" The King of False God shook his head regretfully, "the heavenly people never dwell on the past. The feelings, responsibility, honor, and even family that ordinary people care about have long been abandoned by heavenly people…… It is because of the difference in philosophy that mortals see us as genocidal deviants. If it were not so, we could still live on the ground, with all of you."

    "Do you still speak like a human? All can prove that you made a deal with the devil! You have sold your souls to the digital demon. It is because of your selfishness that countless human babies have fallen asleep forever in the cold night, countless mothers have cried out in the morning of despair and despair, and your heavenly people from the bottom world are ignorant enough to think that this is a protection for mortals. You are mad, insane!" Tears streamed down the Dwarven chief's fleshy face.

    "It seems that you have met many of our kind. For the heavenly people from the bottom world you speak of – the sustainers, mercy is precisely the only problem that prevents them from becoming higher-order heavenly people. They have given up duty, honor, past, and worry, but sympathy is still hard to root out. They are too like mortals from their heart to appearance. I have thought more than once, are they wrong to want to protect people on the ground? In terms of human morality, it’s right! But in terms of human evolution, that's naive……"

    Mi Long, the King of False God, was unmoved by the bearded man’s heartbreak. He acted like a cold-blooded machine —— an innocent child-like machine. Perhaps his long time as the King of False Gods has long since removed him from the life and death of the earth.

    "Shame on you! All you False Gods have betrayed your souls, and have the audacity to speak your crazy words! Are you all crazy, stuck in a tower, you're driving yourself crazy? How could you listen to the digital demon!" The bearded man’s eyes seemed to breathe fire. "You are controlled by the digital demon!"

    "Is this the digital demon you've been stressing so much, Lord dwarven chieftain?"

    "Do you have any orders? Master." The demon's voice came quite humbly out of the void.

    "Now, Lord Zulu, can you hear?" Said the King of the False God calmly. “The demons that you mortals have spoken of subduing the souls of heavenly people are, in fact, mere instruments of subjugation to heavenly people!"

    "But you, mortals from the ground, you have no idea what cruel arrangement fate has made for you…… But sadly, like playing dumb and never waking up, mortals have no desire to escape their fate." "Child" said sadly, and the King of the False Gods had a complex loss in his words that only an adult could have.

    "The demon you speak of is nowhere here…… There’s no need to look further, noble mortals. For the evil you speak of is not elsewhere but in your mortal’s hearts!"