Chapter 16 The Final Negotiations
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-08-11 10:50      字?jǐn)?shù):3076
    When the distant horn sounded behind me, I knew that the reality that I couldn't change had finally come.

    The priest blew the horn of a decisive battle, and the old guys who weaved lies are urging the young people to die when the mortal young warriors really face the "miracle" weapon of the False Gods…… the urging horns were destined to be one after another.

    It was just that the floss of frost of the world caused every soldier to experience sadness. In the face of deep-seated hatred, hatred was often more terrifying than fear, so the army of mortals began to march before the metal frenzy of the False Gods…… When the seventh horn sounded, the mortal army slowly formed its proper formation…… The archers of the Hunter tribe were loaded with burning sharp arrows, and they got cover behind the ironclad warriors of the Rock Tribe.

    "Last warning! Mortals, please restrain your emotions and do not move forward, otherwise the False Gods will have to fight back!"

    The metal bugs in the sky were constantly changing warning characters to ensure that everyone in the tribe could understand.

    “Haha, kid, did you see that?” Zulu was gnawing on the bird's leg when the army was advancing, his expression of biting the bird's leg was no longer as greedy as before, “The False Gods are sending us an invitation!”

    “Lord Lei Xun, it's time for us to respond……” the dwarf chief said to my father.

    “Fire the arrows!” The icy air was frosting beside my father's resolute face, and the millions of human soldiers behind him were overwhelming.

    “We can't see the target, it's all steam, and the machines of the dwarf tribe block our sight!” The trembling bow hunters found a reason to “shrink”.

    "Oh, really? Then we are the only ones to charge first, Lord Lei Xun." The bearded man put down his bird legs and climbed onto his ironclad warrior. Amid the puffing steam and piercing metal sounds, the rough ironclad warriors belonging to humans ran wildly. They pulled up withered tree trunks and devoted themselves to the battle formation of the False Gods in the distance.

    "For dead Ella!"

    "Boom!" However, the crossbar thrown by the ironclad giants only triggered an embarrassing sound and even failed to leave a little dust on the huge "demon machine" of the False Gods. But Zulu's example still had an effect.

    The hesitant hunters no longer trembled, they gripped the bowstring tightly and turned their own sadness into strength against the "invincible" enemy.

    Kun silently witnessed all this happening, and the eternal confident smile returned to his face, he didn't do anything, he didn't want to stop this tragedy of mortals hitting stones with pebbles.

    The "army" of the False Gods boiled, and the resistance from mortals made the False Gods of the bottom world - the maintainers rejoice.

    "Freedom! Fight for freedom, great mortals, well done, shameful False Gods!"

    After walking out of the Sky Tower, I suddenly discovered that I could understand the language of the heavenly people. But the group of the False Gods who chanted "anti-war" - the maintainers are not the army of the False Gods at all, they are just naive bystanders of good things……The maintainers of mercy to mortals tried to prevent the tragedy with never-ending carnival and romantic ideals, and made the high-level False Gods succumb and withdraw their troops voluntarily, but do they really understand the essence of this war? But at least the support of the maintainers temporarily prevented the approach of the False Gods’ "demon machine".

    "Look at the sky!" Zulu exclaimed suddenly.

    The metal insects that ruled the sky suddenly turned around, and when the words threatening to humans disappeared, the language and voice of the False Gods appeared at this moment, "My fellow maintainers, please step back quickly and return to the tower. This is a battlefield. Again, this is a battlefield!"

    "No! Shameful higher-ups, you can't declare war on mortals on behalf of all of us heavenly beings, stop your stupid decisions!" Tens of thousands of heavenly people—the maintainers made fierce defenses, and waves of opposition followed.

    A sea of maintainers dressed in orange formed a wall between the army of the False Gods and the army of mortals. They built the last peace for us with flesh and blood.

    "Father, the False Gods are already having a civil war, and most of them want to stop the army from fighting us…… why don't we just stop here!" I understand that this was our last chance to stop.

    My father gave me a long stare. When his eyes saw the army of the False Gods in the crater, the frost flying all over the sky witnessed the most "stupid" words he ever said: "Aim, the infantry of the False Gods, shoot arrows!"

    "No! Father, they are not enemies! They are not infantry, they are……"

    The sound of the icy horn quickly drowned out my shouts, and the rain of arrows filled the sky with miserable groans. The maintainers of the False Gods in the lower world were already too close, and those agile "demon machines" could not arrive in time.

    Screams and pain, blood and death, an irreversible tragedy opened bloody petals on the snow-white earth, my heart seemed to be frozen by ice……

    The metal insects in the sky swooped down and formed a long-overdue iron curtain, blocking the dead and wounded all over the ground, while the mortal army resounded with overwhelming cheers. The human warriors finally did it. As mortals, they successfully killed countless False Gods. No one has really done it before, but they really don’t know, and no one is willing to believe that falling under the rain of mortal arrows, those False Gods sleeping in a pool of blood are the ones who care most about mortals.

    "They deserve it, they believe too much in the lies they wove, such people are hopeless." Miserable laughter sounded, and the bearded Zulu who had experienced the "truth" showed no mercy, the remaining night and the hot steam swallowed his eyes. Even though he had experienced the "truth" and even received the favor of the maintainer, the dwarf chief just sighed coldly when facing the False Gods of the bottom world who died suddenly……The remnants of the night and the scorching steam swallowed the eyes of the dwarf chief. "Who made them the False Gods? They indirectly killed my little daughter Ella!"

    A rainbow suddenly appeared on the blood-stained earth, and a gap appeared in the iron curtain "cast" by hundreds of millions of metal insects…… On the circular "flying silver plate", Mi Xia, the king of the False Gods who looked like a child, and his servant, the False Gods Qian with red pupils, came together.

    "Mortals, this is really the last warning. Stop your attacks. Blood has already appeared on the battlefield. Go back before it's too late." Mi Xia, the King of the False Gods, demonstrated forbearance, so his immature expression was full of resentment, "Mortals launched the attack first, the casualties and bloodshed have already occurred, the iron law restricting False Gods has expired, and we have the right to fight back! Stop right now, this is my last mercy."

    Laughter swept the human army after a moment of silence, and ridicule wantonly ignited the restless emotions, the mortal warriors had just experienced victory, and the “childish” rhetoric of the king of the False Gods further aroused the determination of the warriors to continue fighting.

    “The war is inevitable…… My child, do you still remember the pattern of two fish you saw? Now try to spin them up, quickly, right now.” Facing the threat of Mi Xia, the King of the False Gods, Kun put his slim hand on my shoulder, but his eyes were urging. "The pattern of two fish in your heart will be the decisive weapon!"

    “No!” I responded to Kun with anger, I didn't want to do this, why did it have to go to war? If the war was still going to break out, then wouldn't the sacrifice of those gods—the maintainers—be meaningless?

    "I'm sorry, you have no choice…… child!" Kun's cold expression was much like his elder brother's.

    "Mortals, you have stained the blood of the heavenly people, and we have the right to make you pay the price. But this time you are lucky, the compensation the heavenly people demand is not harsh, it only requires that you hand over one person in exchange for peace!" The King of the False Gods Mi Xia coldly spoke out the final ultimatum.

    “Who does the King of the False Gods want us to hand over?” I blurted out.

    "Now, you don't need to worry about it so much, think of the pattern in your mind, and turn the damn fish. Quick!" Kun looked at me anxiously, his shouts were completely swallowed by fear.

    Capture the thief first to capture the king——My Father! I suddenly realized the answer……The moment I suddenly raised my head to meet my father, he was just taking the spear from the man in black from Dracolony, and the face hidden under the shadow was talking to my father mysteriously…… My father stepped off the high camel, gathering the strength of the whole body, he raised his spear and pointed it at the "child" above the sky - Mi Xia- the King of the False Gods.

    "No!" The fear in my heart led to a heart-piercing yell, and I ran towards my father intending to stop him, and my father and I were getting closer and closer, only the distance that one person separated me, I thought I was going to succeed……until then A little rock tripped me…… The moment my body lost weight, I saw the blood-red pupils staring at my father——Qian raised the weapon in my hand.

    "No!" The silver hair fluttered in despair, and Kun's voice was getting closer and closer to me.

    A light of death piercing the sky, a spear thrown into the sky, they exchanged positions in the air, the moment of fate, death and suffocation came together.

    "No!" The desperate screams were drowned in the manic horns blown by humans.

    "No!" The protest against fate could not stop anything.

    The blood sprinkled into the sky announced the arrival of a cold fate, the False Gods Kun stood in front of me, the "light of death" tore his entire left arm, and my father blocked Kun and me like a mountain ahead, like an ancient giant, but the light of death pierced his heart.

    My father finally fell down. The blood he spit out stained the saber-toothed tiger leather jacket around his waist red. My father struggled to look back at me. I will never forget that bleak smile. It was the first and last time my father smiled at me.

    The child-faced King of the False Gods, Mi Xia, his target was me? Kun was not a robot, the gushing blood showed that he was also a body of flesh and blood. But my father, my father fell because of my weakness and kindness…… God, what have I done?

    Why……why did it end like this?

    On the other side of the sky, a similar fate appeared. The spear that my father had thrown with such vigor was so close to piercing the thin body of the False Gods, Mi Xia, but was miraculously blocked by Kun's elder brother with his body, how similar the outcome, Qian's grim face was still laughing as death came. He looked at the blood gushing from his chest and said mockingly, "A blade cursed by the King of Lizard 6,550 years ago. It looks like this temporal thing has penetrated our shields. Lord Mi Xia, let's go!”

    These were the last words that Qian said.

    "It's interesting that fate made a strange trade-off, Qian sacrificed for me, the intrepid capital of Su Xia Tribe, Lord Lei Xun, sacrificed his life for a robot puppet.” The King of the False Gods' pity eyes fixed on my father's body," Is it really worth dying for a robot toy that we made for you?"

    The look on Mi Xia's face was not for revenge, confusion and derision gathered around his lips.

    "You should have been the greatest king of the mortal world, but you died for a robot made in the likeness of a dead child. It's a pity. It's a stupid thing that only mortals can do……" Expressions of puzzlement and derision converged on the lips of the King of the False Gods.

    What? What was he talking about? That was ridiculous, wasn't it? I…… I was not my father's child at all – I was just a substitute? I was not even alone?

    "You don't deserve it, you don't deserve it……"

    My father's expression of disgust and hatred echoed in my head —— not because I was weak and didn't think I was worthy to be his child, but since I was a substitute, a complete substitute……

    "And you, Kun, I never thought you would do such a stupid thing, your talent is not even under me, you can become the King of the False Gods, but why are you willing to make such an unreasonable sacrifice for a robot?" The False Gods with the face of a child looked at me. "He is just a machine!"

    "He is just a machine!"

    The words immediately came around me —— I was a machine, a machine created by the False Gods in the likeness of the dead, a substitute…… My body, my soul, everything I feel, even my memories…… Everything I have is the work of a digital demon. In fact, it's quite possible that I'm part of that digital demon myself.

    "Digital demons have no humanity at all. They are the embodiment of the worst evil. They want to turn the whole world into a cold hell." My father's voice echoed in my mind, often when he said this sentence, his tone was endless suffering and grievance…… Now I know why.

    "Are you a robot?" Zulu's expression froze, a mixture of disbelief and disdain on his face, and he took a step back as if he came any closer to me, he would be mesmerized by digital demons.

    But…… If I was a robot, who am I? Did I have a soul? Was I really thinking? If I was a cold machine, why did I feel despaired and painful……If I had been born for my father's selfishness, why should I shed tears for his death? I was only a comfort for him, but why should my father have prevented my death?……

    I was just a tool, a robot…… What I had experienced was nothing but an illusion, but the more I thought of it, the more intense my grief and anger became!

    My existence…… My father…… Revenge…… The mad rush of human emotion, " The False Gods! Now witness my fury!"

    The pattern of two fish in my heart is spinning fast with grief and anger, blowing through my heart like tornadoes. With the arrival of fantasy and tears, my consciousness seems to be out of the exorcism shell, I seem to have momentarily entered the deep Sky Tower, the deep abyss of darkness will be afraid, there, I saw the fear of the digital demon with my own eyes —— the virtual face was distorted because of my arrival……

    The metal insects in the sky fell like a dense rain, then the sound of metal cracking was heard in the sky, and the massive "demon machines" suddenly lost their support and fell to the ground, sleeping like mammoths arriving at the graveyard.

    Zulu was the first to recover from his shock. He took my father's place and led millions of mortals in a fierce charge.

    The priests blow wailing horns on the glaciers behind them, and armies of mortals, ignited by tears and anger, flood the battle lines of the False Gods. The False Gods emerged from the giant "demon machine" and tried to reassemble and shoot in formation. At one point, the barrage of the False Gods made the mortal charge costly.

    But it was too late for the False Gods.

    Fire-breathing monsters swooped down in the sky, raging dragons consumed the last defenses of the gods with fire, dragons driven by warriors of Dracolony burned the bravest gods, tore apart those who tried to escape with their huge claws, and opened their teeth to swallow the blue ones who begged for mercy.

    Mist of blood and fire, screaming and cracking, this is the last thing I see in the world before I run out of energy.

    "Wake up, you can't…… go to sleep." For me to block the death Kun, lying down on the gravel, said more weak words than moans, although narrowly escaped death, Kun was also deeply injured.

    "Don't sleep in the memory, wake up! Don't let sweet dreams drag you down into the abyss of fantasy……" It was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

    Was it still a dream……

    The warm smell of candles and spirits, and the rude sound of laughter, surrounded me in the “dream”, and when I opened my eyes, I saw everything I knew before me —— blankets of cave lion fur, long wax torches of musk, huge round beds of mammoth tusks…… I was lying in my father's bed, in a place I could not have been more familiar with.

    Everything was beautiful and warm, as if it were a memory from another lifetime, but……

    "Father, where are you?”