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新聞來源:愛讀文學網(wǎng) 發(fā)表時間:2017-11-20 12:39:30 發(fā)表人:admin
      外方作家代表有:西班牙漢學家宮碧蘭Pillar Gonzalez Espana ,匈牙利小說家伊娃·佩泰爾斐·諾娃Eva Peterfy-Novak ,匈牙利小說家佩泰爾斐·蓋爾蓋伊Gergely Peterfy,埃及漢學家小金魚Yara EI Masri ,波蘭詩人雅羅斯瓦夫·皮亞羅夫斯基Jaroslaw Pijarowski ,克羅地亞詩人、翻譯家丁尼克·泰利肯Dinko Telecan,墨西哥詩人古斯塔沃·奧索瑞奧Gustavo Osorio de Ita ,土耳其詩人紐都然·杜門Nurduran Duman ,英國漢學家施笛聞Stephen Nashef。









Feminist Writing in Remapping the Territory of Literature


       Speech given by Lan Xin at The Second Workshop on World-the Territory Rewritten by Literature

      at Beijing Normal University,17,11,2017




Respected teachers, friends, ladies and gentlemen:

Today's topic brings me to the concept of Axial Age, introduced by German philosopher  Karl Jaspers in his book  The Origin and Goal of History, published in 1949,  characterizing the period of ancient history from about the 8th to the 3rd century BC.According to Jaspers, new ways of thinking appeared in  India (Sankymuni), China (Confucius, Mencius, Laotze) and the Greco-Roman world (Aristotle, Plato, Socrates) which ran the gamut of all possibilities  in religion and philosophy. These representative figures emerge almost in a striking parallel development, without any obvious direct cultural contact between all of the participating Eurasian cultures.




Jaspers deems the pre-Jesus 500 hundred years as of pivotal importance and the first crop of Eurasian sages harvested, at the fountainhead of human culture, Incidentally they were mapping for the first time the territory of literature. We are indeed lucky descendants of these sages and thinkers as we are meant to be civilized and mentally enriched fed upon their writings and teachings.


在眾多名著中,對我影響最大的是英國作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《簡愛》。女主人公簡愛敢于反抗壓迫和社會偏見,努力爭取獨立、自由、平等和真愛,為追求幸福生活而頑強斗爭,宣告了女性自我意識的覺醒。這部作品在全世界的傳播,也喚起了各國讀者 女性意識的覺醒,我也深受其影響。


      Among the host of world classics that has been my spiritual guide in life and in writing, ,Jane Eyre, a novel by English writer Charlotte Brontë has been pre-eminent. The book follows the emotions and experiences of its eponymous heroine,from her adolescence to womanhood and her love for Mr. Rochester. What engages my lifelong attention is the awakening of the heroine's sense of femininity in the evolution of her moral and spiritual sensibility in the teeth of prevalent social prejudices of a male dominated society.




Justifiably a novel ahead of its time ,given the strong willed character of Jane and the novel's exploration of  proto-feminism, Emily Bronte breaks the ice in the feminist genre for the wide reception of Pride and Prejudice, Gone with the winds, The Thorn Bird, among others that follow in the coming century. I should emphasize individualistic heroines such as Jane Eyre and Scarlett,  "Meggie" Cleary have been powerful icons in triggering social changes in male chauvinistic cultures such as China and other similar gender repressive societies .May 4th Movement in 1919 has been proven a watershed for culture and literature alike, old and new, and the truly feminine literature in China in particular.




The first wave of feminist awareness has seen emergence of China's Emily Bronte  writers such as  Bin Xin, Lu Yin, Lin Shuhua, Ding Ling ,to be succeeded by more refined and sophisticated novelists like Wang Anyi and Tielin who all share a common goal: to write and define the essence of being Chinese women and further the grand cause of political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes in China This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to such opportunities for men.




The feminist advocacy varies from age to age, country to country and in the era of globalization women mostly come into their own ,being fully autonomous and independent in workplace, family, dating out and wedding. Literature of similar tone of mind and thought has boomed and won favor especially with women readers, an indication that the traditional domain of literature has been substantially expanded.




A  young woman writer myself, it comes natural for me to identify problems besetting my fellow sisters in career, dating and marriage and my writing aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; I should be deemed socially committed as I do hope to help my generation one way or another in fostering their feminist sensibility and caring about their spiritual growth. They do need assistance in mastering the challenges of work, career and intimacy to be their better selves.




What is the true purpose in life in an increasingly superficial and mechanical world? What do women really want? What makes a good lover and a truly successful professional in the same time? These are issues that confront both women and women writers. I deem it obligatory to offer some tentative answers by unraveling the mystery of relationships and aiding my readers on their journey to fulfill their true purpose and to be authentically feminine.

   translated by Hunter(huang shaozheng)independent translator