Chapter 4 Wooden Horse of the Dinoman
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-01-06 10:39      字數(shù):2129
    “So where are we going now?” The little girl encountered such a confusion for the first time, and such a reality confused her. A dinosaur-like monster and a robot directly appeared in the street of Macao.

    “Besides, is it really good for us to walking on the street like this?”

    “Not many adults really care about us! Never mind that……” A flash of cunning was accompanied by the rhythm of its feathers. “It’s important that you are the very one selected by the Dinoman. Do you know why?”

    “Why? Is it because I can’t talk?” The little girl had realized that not being able to speak meant being able to keep the secrets, so many adults regarded her as a person to talk to. However, the adults’ heartfelt words made Yu Sha see the other side of the world prematurely.

    “This is only one of the reasons.” The Dinoman said carelessly, and the suspicious look occasionally thrown from the human beings on the streets and alleys neither puzzled the small monsters nor frightened him. He should have been frightened, for the adult was twice his height.

    So was this creature a dinosaur? Shouldn’t dinosaurs be huge? The little girl remembered the magnificent scene of dinosaurs in the film.

    “You are a kid and you happen to be as tall as us, so when we are together, adults also feel like we are kids too——kids in toy clothes.”

    Did being naive make dinosaurs extinct? The little girl pondered.

    “Compared with children, adults are far less concerned about the details of the world, especially in Macao, where fantastic things actually happen every day……” Whether it was comforting or sighing, it was difficult to give an accurate answer from the Dinoman’s face.

    “Right!” The only eye of the little robot was showing the text at that moment.

    “You can’t wake up a person who is pretending to sleep……This is true!” Perhaps this adventure ended faster than it was imagined, so that she would not get involved in the subsequent trouble. In fact, the little girl regretted her promise more than once today, but now it was a good opportunity to make her choice once again.

    A group of middle school students in white uniforms were waiting for the traffic lights next to the red mailbox around the roundabout. The junior high school girls told the most secrets, which was unbearable to Yu Sha ——several elder sisters in the neighborhood always murmured to her for a long time. In short, they were curious about everything new.

    “Wow! So cute! This doll looks soft!” The face of a plump sister radiated with joy, “A tail! What are you dressed as? Little kid, are you dressed as a Tyrannosaurus of Q version.”

    “Yes! This little robot looks like real!” Several girls chattered about this.

    “Let me pinch! Don’t hide from me!”

    Touch would bring the truth, so Yu Sha could not help thinking that it seemed that this arrogant Dinoman would soon pay for its arrogance……If they were found, would they probably be put into the zoo, or maybe the laboratory? Thinking of this, the little girl felt compassion for them.

    “And then? Should I go home or go to the park?” Guessing that maybe her parents’ quarrel would continue at this moment, the little girl sighed helplessly.

    “Let me pinch……”

    “Well. Everything is over, and things will be revealed immediately. But I am not the person to be blamed.” The little girl looked sympathetically at the “companion” to be exposed, sadly thinking that if the dinosaurs left, her heart would return to silence again.

    “How soft! How cute! How lovely!” The screams of the middle school girls immediately drew more attention from the crowd, and many pedestrians even took out their mobile phones to take photos. However, the Dinoman seemed to be indifferent to this——When the girls pinches its face, the Dinoman stood motionless.

    The shouting crowd quickly dispersed, and the world quickly restored order, with less and less attention paid to them.

    “Do you see that? Am I right? The curiosity of the human being does not last long, and the more grown-up, the less they know about the world!” The Dinoman gently touched its face, which was just pinched by the human, with its tail feathers. “All I need to do is being patient and pretending that I am a puppet, and then……there will be no then.”

    The robot mumbled approvingly.

    “So this journey has to go on……” The little girl sighed in her heart, and no one knew whether it was disappointment or expectation. “Where will we go?”

    “You ask this question finally. Great!” With its tail feathers sweeping on the ground, the Dinoman showed a slightly approving look and said, “We have been asleep here for 10, 000 years. My kind is now about to wake up, and we need to find him when he wakes up!”

    “10,000 years ago? Are you sure you are not joking? The extinction of dinosaurs seems to be far more than 10,000 years.” Yu Sha raised a question based on the common sense, and she disgruntledly used her fingers around her shoulder-length hair.

    “We wake up from 10,000 years ago. At that time, Macao was the center of the world. A human war began here and ended here. This was the first time we witnessed you human being and your foolish mutual killing.” The Dinoman paused and then whispered, “Of course we were also involved……”

    “Are you kidding me? You have been living for 10,000 years?” The little girl wondered whether this monster was the Dinoman called by himself, or a human, or a machine running out of the laboratory? Maybe the difference between him and the robot was just not being covered with a lovely metal shell. Yu Sha even began to suspect that adults had already seen through everything——these two arrogant guys both procedurally deranged machines.

    “Wake up……and then fall asleep. The time passes away in such a way. The first time was when the mass extinction occurred. You human beings should thank us Dinomen for what we did. If we had not shattered the larger asteroids, now the earth would be the dust of the universe.” The Dinoman’s feathers folded and spread continuously.

    “We woke up for the second time 10,000 years ago. We thought it had reached the other end of 65 million years later. In fact, we were almost there. Therefore, if everything goes well, we will be two or three years older than other waking dinosaurs, at the price of that we accidentally woke up 10,000 years ago.”

    “Wait! You mean there are other dinosaurs living on the earth? How many are they?” Yu Sha asked vigilantly.

    “All……All living Dinomen and dinosaurs were sleeping during the extinction, and only a small number of dinosaurs woke up as messengers in advance, such as my few companions and me. Now we are going to see another guy……”

    Such an answer was like a nightmare, but after a moment, Yu Sha couldn’t help laughing. This was simply fantastic——where could hide so many dinosaurs on the earth?

    “Insane! Then you can do it by yourself. Why do you need me?” But honestly, it felt great to be needed, and naturally the mute girl was fed up with the sympathy from the adults.

    The Dinoman looked at the little girl with its head tilted for a long time, and he wanted to say something but quickly returned to silence. In the eyes with the stone pattern, there was a complex gaze like that of an adult. This monster was too human.

    “Let me tell you a story. In the era of us Dinomen, there was a rebel called ‘Ann’, with black feathers and appalling ambition. The ordinary Dinomen were on guard against it, for they thought it would bring harm and oppression to them, while the Dinomen with the aristocratic identity also guarded against him, for fear that he would bring an unprecedented rebellion together with the mob……” The Dinoman blinked and seemed to think about why it told the story to her.

    “Therefore, the black-feathered ‘Ann’ lacked its partners, and it was hidden by other Dinomen as an alien. Oh, you may think that the end of the story was that he quietly got old or got superpower like a hero.”

    “But it wasn’t. He really became the most terrifying rebel in the history of the Dinomen.”

    Some confusion flashed in Yu Sha’s doll-like eyes, and such eyesight encouraged the small monster to go on.

    “It was clear that others were strictly guarded. How did ‘Ann’ bring fear? This was because he took a newly born and cute little Dinoman with its large black tail and he planted the deadly gas on the poor little guy…… The Dinomen were tender, but when they held this little Dinoman, in fact they also held ‘Ann’ with a huge tail and great ambition.”

    This was really a terrible story. Yu Sha hoped this was not true.

    “Anyway, I need you. When you are together with us, the stupid adults only regard us as kids in costume.” Maybe feeling that the story was somewhat wrong, the Dinoman shook its tail and said in a joking tone.

    The sidewalks of Macao were narrow and crowded, with cars speeding on the road. The crowd dispersed before they arrived, and adults cast brief doubts from their overlooking, and then they quickly reverted to their mobile phone screens. Along the way, Yu Sha could also hear the adults’ remarks about the strange-looking Dinoman, but the light remarks were of little importance to the facts.

    “We must hurry up and it will take some time to get to that place to meet my waking companion.” The Dinoman grabbed the robot’s tail with one hand and pulled it back onto the sidewalk so it would not be knocked down for being too obsessed with the cars of the human being. In fact, the naughty robot was curious about all the human’s metals that could move.

    Their conversation had to end in front of the bus stop……Whatever he was, madness was closely related to this monster.

    So this monster was so arrogant to take the bus with her? In the crowd? To fully reveal itself?

    “Again! Calm down! Don’t care about others’ sight, for all the people’s sight only lasts a moment. Others’ sight has nothing to do with you. Understand?”

    Fortunately, there were many vacant seats on the bus, and because of the damn virus, everyone sat on separate seats. Although these two monsters attracted others’ attention, no one really cared about anything. The eyes of adults were lingering on their mobile phones. Yu Sha even had an impulse to call out the truth, but she could not speak. Besides, if the two monsters were caught, no one would hear her. So this impulse quickly disappeared.

    They arrived at the beach at sunset, and an egret stayed by the Dinoman, twittering as if it was speaking.

    “This is it!” Seeming to understand the bird, the Dinoman unfolded its crest and said, “But we still need to wait! Wait for slightly fewer people.”

    “Perhaps you should persuade a teacher, so that when your friends come, they can be a bunch of children wearing the dinosaur costumes, and I will be the one who forgets to wear the costume.” The little girl teased.

    “That’s not necessary at all. My friends might scare the human, for he is not as good at disguising as I am.”

    Was “the emperor’s new dress” in the story book? This monster was really modest, and the little girl inexplicably wanted to laugh.