Chapter 5 Appearance of the nightmare
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-01-06 10:40      字數:2120
    They waited from sunrise to the moon. During their wait, except some seabirds and gulls flying over and stopping and twittering by the ears of the Dinoman, nothing else happened. The approaching of night made the little girl feel uneasy, and the vibration of her mobile phone made her more uncomfortable. She even feared to look at the mobile phone. She knew her parents must be looking for her. At first she was bored, but now she felt guilty.

    “It seems that your friends will not come.” If there was a companion of the Dinoman, would it take a bus to come here just like this monster in front of her? It would not be impossible for him to be found.

    The thick moonlight made the girl disappointed, and the waves gently slap the Black Sand Beach . The shadow cast by the moonlight on the stone wall made the familiar sea mysterious.

    Suddenly the moon shone on the sea and the earth began to shake.

    “Move! It’s the earthquake!” Several tourists shouted, and they quickly jumped to the car and disappeared.

    “He’s coming!” The Dinoman tightened its crest, like a drowning quail, but its stone-like pupils were full of expectation.

    The vibration of the earth became clearer and the tides tolled, and even thunder and lightning began in the distant sky.

    In the next moment, the sea surface seemed to be torn and the rock was shrouded in a more magnificent shadow……

    “Your……your companion?” The little girl shuddered silently. A monster larger than a ridge appeared with lightning and thunder, carrying a tortoise-like shell and standing like a gorilla……It had a long tail and a head like a dragon. The eyes of the monster were like burning fire.

    “Not that huge guy……I mean the one standing on the head of that monster……”

    “Well, well……Let me see!” A monster spoken by the little monster? Yu Sha became more confused. This little monster called himself the Dinoman. Not only did he look like a dinosaur himself, but also the monster summoned by him were far larger and more terrifying than any known dinosaur.

    But Yu Sha did notice that the figure above the huge monster’s head. The shadow was tossing in the air and landing quickly……

    When the shadow fell to the ground, she was convinced that it was a small monster similar to the Dinoman. The difference between them was the scar on the long mouth of the master of the shadow.

    “Zere, it seems that you wake up too early. We meet again……after 65 million years.” Its open crest was like a marvelous symbol, and the tone of the scare-faced

    Dinoman sounded more like teasing. “You also brought a friend——a smart mammal friend?”

    “I should wake up earlier than you, just like I was hatched faster than you, younger brother……but you are lucky, younger brother, the fate has given you all the good things!” Now the little girl noticed that these two Dinomen were so similar, in the color of their feathers and their body—— except the scar on one face.

    “But did you wake up earlier just to make more friends? My naive brother, last time you picked up a broken machine egg as a friend. 65 million years have passed, and now this little guy looks no bigger than that.” The little monster did not respond, and the small robot near him mumbled with discontent. The metal on its body instantly became angrily red, but the larger monster stood in front of him, so the anger of the small robot was not different from a angry cat in front of a lion.

    “You always love to make friends with the weak, while I prefer huge……tools.”

    “Last time, falling meteorite fragments made us have to stop fighting and fall asleep. But this time, you are not so lucky.” The huge dragon monster behind it waved its tail and shattered the adjacent rock to show that its power was beyond doubt.

    “Or the time of 64 million years made your head think clearly, and made you stand together with me, instead of taking me as the enemy.”

    The absolute power brought absolute confidence. A whole piece of rock fell on the clam sea of Macao, and the waves obscured the moon.

    “Stop dreaming. Let us destroy the mankind together!”

    Her panic and round eyes……The expression on the little girl’s face was like the panic of the moon at this moment, and the surging heart was just like the tide. The little girl just understood what she was involved in. Fortunately, the Dinoman who had come all the way together with her sounded like the mortal enemy of these monsters……Although the enemy seemed to have a very close blood relationship.

    “No problem, but this has to happen after all the Dinomen wake up……Such things as destroying humans need a vote of all Dinomen.”

    All Dinomen? Was the monster telling the truth? Many of the dinosaurs that were supposed to be extinct remained on Earth, and there were more than the dinosaur monsters which can be compared with mountains? Yu Sha felt as if heaven and earth were spinning round and round.

    At this moment, the little girl could do nothing. She put her hand into the sleeve, and wanted to blindly type to call the police, but……

    “Are there monsters on Black Sand Beach?” She could not help feeling discouraged. The policeman probably thought that it might be a strange fantasy of a kid who watched too many movies.

    But turned away? How about then? Then went home and waited for the world to be destroyed by these dinosaur monsters?

    She couldn’t help but take a few steps back until she swallowed her fear stiffly.

    “Stop dreaming, my brother! Don’t you think we have a ‘unique’ advantage now——wake up earlier than any other Dinomen……Then we can decide who wakes up first, who wakes up later……and even who will never wake up. This means power and rule! ” The monster like a mountain opened its blood red pupil in the night, and its coming ambition was like the waves set off by a giant beast flicking its tail. “I don’t like to wait. Let’s unite to shake down the world, and then rule……eliminate all those human beings who resist us. As for those Dinomen who do not obey, let them sleep forever!”

    “No! Younger brother, I do not agree. It seems that in the past 65 million years, only the generic variant of dinosaur around you has grown up, although this monster seems strong enough! But you know nothing about the human.” Dinoman Zere said, “They are not as weak as they seem, and one of your monsters cannot change what happened on earth 65 million years ago.”

    Perhaps the words did not mean real, the children who could not speak knew this from an early age. So there was an expectation in Yu Sha’s heart: the monster that came along with her, looked too much like a human, rather than something else. This feeling was absolutely not wrong.

    “So in order to destroy the human and rebuild the earth, we need more companions to wake up, instead of the reckless solo fight now!” Being firm made its crest unfold like a blade, and the words spoken by the guy around him who was like a human being were even more horrible than the monster in the dark.

    “So elder brother……I have to say with regret……” The scar made the black-feathered Dinoman laugh quite cruelly.

    “You are still dreaming! Maybe you shouldn’t wake up! You will always only listen to ‘Bacterial Intelligence’. Follow its rules, but cannot grasp the opportunity.” The huge mountain-like dinosaur monster angrily tore off a mountain rock with its long claws, and the corners of its back were like burning lava at the moment.

    “It seems that this war is inevitable. Its your turn!” The Dinoman pointed at the little robot, but what could be expected from such a cute and ignorant robot?

    The robot blinked its only big eye and hesitated to move forward, while the softer sand caused trouble. The little robot fell into it and then rolled up in the sand……

    This was faster than it walked to die, Yu Sha could not help thinking. However, the harsh light and the sound of rock fragmentation came together. When opening her eyes again, Yu Sha saw something like a projection——the robot’s eyes scattered strange light into the air, projecting a steel dinosaur in the air, who opened its claws……

    “Do you think only your Biochemical Dragon has evolved, my younger brother? The speed of technological evolution is much faster than that of biology!” said the Dinoman standing beside it.

    “Don’t underestimate the power of science and technology. Human science and technology should not be underestimated……The plan to eliminate human beings can only be decided after waiting for all Dinomen to wake up.”

    “Go to hell! My elder brother, my patience has run out!” The huge mountain-like dinosaur monster rose from the sea, and the black sand ring, which was not broad, was stirred like a basin.

    The steel dinosaur projected by the robot then rushed forward. Although it moved like a shadow on the sea, the projected “giant dragon” actually caught the claws of the biochemical monster at the moment of contact.

    “It’s over!” The sound was like a judgment, and the scar-faced Dinoman had a hideous grin. Yu Sha found that the dragon jumped out of the sea higher and higher. It was not the height which could be reached by a reasonable jump, more like being supported by a more huge giant……

    Until the sea was split into two parts——a huge island-like creature appeared, which was the head of a larger monster.

    “Angler Fish!” Yu Sha remembered the odd fish in the deep ocean who had evolved their overhead tentacles into worm-like lures, but now……Was the biochemical monster just the tentacles of its original appearance?

    Yu Sha was afraid that this huge monster would hit the moon if it stood up.

    “Now, who will die first?” Like a nightmare, the scar-faced Dinoman was fixed on her——the devil’s eyes, the crimson pupils looked like gaze in the abyss.

    At this time, the engine of the car on the mountain road was approaching, until there was the screeching brake sound.

    “Stop!” It was a trembling voice of an old man. Yu Sha could even distinguish the sound of the crutch hitting the ground. The fog scattered in the mountains and seas.

    “That’s great. Has someone come to save me? Yu Sha regained her breath, but when she looked back, the truth that had just arrived solidified her——the comer was an old man who needed to stand on the crutch to support himself. Although he brought five magnificent bodyguards and two cars, all these were still vulnerable to dinosaur monsters.”

    However, the sea suffered a magical silence after the fight, and the arrival of peace was very strange.

    “You are lucky today.” The scar-faced Dinoman and the biochemical monster he brought slowly disappeared into the fog-depleted sea, while the Dinoman Zere, who seemed to know all the secrets, said nothing, except that the little robot collapsed exhaustedly on the sand like a salty fish without a soul.

    The sound of the motor again. Yu Sha came back to his mind, and the old man was supported back to the car, as if he did just by accident and scolded the timid hooligans……Until the window of the car was closed slowly, the old man disappeared quietly at night.