Chapter 7 The Underground Dinosaur World in M
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-02-20 16:36      字?jǐn)?shù):2879
    The antique sign was hung at the door of the store, and the pendant linen was written in two words “Dinosaur Cake”, with the smell of the egg yolk mixed with flour……perhaps together with some herbs and mint leaves.

    It was difficult for Yu Sha to accurately tell the formula, and she could not understand why so many men and women set up a long line here under so hot sun.

    “I can’t understand these adults coming here in droves. Isn’t this a Wife Cake  in a different shape? Is there really dinosaur meat in it?”

    “Is there a wife in the Wife Cake?” The Dinoman asked sideways, and the small robot next to it was enjoying the tourists taking pictures of it.

    “At least it is the wonderful wish of the human!” Yu Sha replied angrily.

    “Then the Dinosaur Cake is the reality after the retreat of the human’s enthusiasm……” The sly smile and its rising crown facing the sun made this monster seeming to really know love. “After the retreat of enthusiasm, people who once loved each other would look at each other like looking at a monster.”

    Thinking about her parents, Yu Sha felt that what this monster said was reasonable.

    At this moment, Yu Sha has found that the trademark of this cake store was the silhouette of the Dinoman……It’s the familiar feeling of conspiracy again. The bad smile of the Dinoman confirmed this——no wonder the little monster was not watched by the lined-up crowds, and maybe the careless adults just assumed they were the mscot dolls in the store.

    “Little girl, remember to queue up if you want to eat the cake!” The shopkeeper, an old lady noticed her and made a face of naughty like a child. What a strange human! When thinking that the strange things were far more than this one, Yu Sha also felt sorry for the old man. “This abominable Dinoman, did not spare even the old lady.”

    “Leave them alone. Let’s get in!” The Dinoman reluctantly dragged the small robot, who enjoyed being surrounded by cameras, into the store. The embarrassed Yu Sha soon followed them. It was strange that they entered the store through a refrigerator, instead of a door……

    Climbing out of the refrigerator, Yu Sha realized her kindness was unnecessary. Two slightly obese Dinomen were waving with a few braces helplessly, just like a human lion dance——but in fact these two Dinomen were controlling the “old lady”, who had just talked to her.

    So did these little monsters really want to destroy the human kind? Why did they pretend to be the human kind to establish a store to start a business? They were not here to be funny, were they? However, because the huge monster seen on the black sand beach that day made her frightened, or because the air in the store was too cold, Yu Sha shuddered.

    “It’s one thing to destroy the human being. I’m not against that, but I have my own task.” It seemed that the Dinoman understood what she was thinking. “It needs the process to do everything. Before that, we need money to survive!”

    When money was mentioned, the little monster in front of her was more like a vulgar adult. If he was really an adult, or there was an uncle living in the monster’s heart……if it was an uncle, Yu Sha could not help but think: if there was a lot of money, was it possible to persuade the Dinomen not to destroy human beings?

    “Lord Zere, are you sure you want to take this little girl there?” The two Dinomen who were pretending to be the old lady asked between busy intervals. The obscure tone of those Dinomen made Yu Sha alert immediately.

    “For a child, is it too……too dangerous?” The fatter Dinoman added, but the honest Dinoman got a stern look to signal him to shut up.

    “She is too young!” Another Dinoman controlling the “old lady” couldn’t help but say. Although Yu Sha was a head higher than these small monsters in front of her, along the way she knew that such pity was not redundant.

    “Thank you!” Yu Sha tried to say thanks, but the two Dinomen who controlled the “old lady” seemed not hear her words like all humans……

    “I will not force you, girl. Now you still have two choices: staying in the human world, or following my adventures.” Could only the little monster who had come all the way hear her words?

    “Wouldn’t you like to see more of the world?” With a light smile on its mouth, it quickly moved its tail to the front of its nose. The tail feathers unfolded there, like a magnificent fan, concealed the Dinosaur’s unintelligible smile——as if the whole meaning of the smile was only a ticket to the pirate ship in an amusement park.

    Fear and expectation were mixed and stirred into an inexplicable emotion. Yu Sha was in a dilemma, and it was even difficult to give an expression. At this time, the little monster pulled open the handle of the oven, and the heat came but quickly dispersed. After a moment, the red oven became a dark cave again, and the blue halo was vaguely seen as a breath, more like an invitation.

    “It’s safe inside!”

    The little robot tried to make a naughty comfort with its only big eye, but it was picked up by the little monster and thrown into the oven, and then the little monster itself……

    Yu Sha looked back at the outside of the store. The crowd above the counter still “enthusiastically” asked for the food called the “Dinosaur Cake”. The birds were still singing in the blue sky. However, there was the demon that night in her eyes——the monster that appeared on the black sand beach……At that moment of trance, the little girl saw Macao as if it really began to catch fire, and the noise of the human on the street turned into a scream……

    “I am no longer a child, and I don’t need the mercy of others any longer!” Yu Sha told herself, and then she turned and jumped into the oven……

    When she woke up again, Yu Sha knew she could not go back. Falling down for five minutes, the feeling of falling was terrifying. That feeling was like being at the throat of a huge monster——such as the monster seen on the black sand beach. Its head was shoulder to shoulder with a whole island. Yu Sha had no doubt that if she was really swallowed by that creature, the time to fall into its stomach would be as long as just now.

    So, it would be better if this was not the conspiracy of the small monster and that he did not deceive her to deliver herself to the stomach of the monster!

    Then……Yu Sha could only hearing the pounding sound of hear heart beating. She could not believe her eyes, but she also confirmed that the little monster was really what he said the “Dinoman”——because at this moment, the long-mouthed dinosaur with its long sail stopped its fishing behavior, and its cruel eyes were “curious” to focus on her.

    “This is the Spinosaurus. I thought it is not the stranger for you human beings. It often appears in your films……they.”

    However, the little monster had not finished its words. With the deafening roar, the long-mouthed dinosaur growled at the girl with its great mouth. Fortunately, the Hadrosaurus did not continue to approach.

    In order to calm down, Yu Sha looked at the sky. The birds in the sky were flying in groups. The world of the Dinoman seemed to be no different from the human world. But if looked at carefully, those “birds” were flying with wing membranes. Although they have fluff on the bodies, they were very different from the feathers of birds……In addition, there were flying “frogs” here——the head of a small Pterosaur was very similar to a frog. They were covered with feathers and whistling in the air, like winged frogs chasing insects.

    At this moment, Yu Sha felt more cruel gazes were staring at herself, from the distant mountains, to the near coniferous plant, from the quiet lake, to the high sky……from all directions. Those ferocious gazes were too many to count, and almost everywhere!

    “How strange! Why is there a sky for the cave?” Yu Sha was surprised that fear was not her first sense of the underworld.

    “Well, you look very carefully. The sky seen by you is the artificial sky, and this is the first layer of the outpost base of the Dinoman……” The little monster said honestly with its hands opened as well as a smile. The Dinoman seemed to be indifferent to the ferocious gaze from all directions. Even like a child returning home, it closed its eyes leisurely, shook its tail and hummed a song.

    In the high grass not far from the Dinoman, the long grass moved in a ghostly way, and Yu Sha felt that fear suppressed her breathing.

    The ghostly movement was getting closer to the Dinoman.

    “Be careful!” This was the greatest courage of Yu Sha! But why should she worry about a little monster who wanted to destroy the human being?

    A carnivorous dinosaur with stout forelimbs, brown feathers and machete-like claws leaped high……At this time the Dinoman still closed their eyes, and leisurely reveled in the comfort of home.

    “Don’t worry. It’s the baryonyx. These mindless and stupid guys can do nothing……” At this moment, the little monster kept its voice very low. Now it was only the distance of falling one second between the little monster and the death, but the Dinoman did not care, and it comfortably raised its feather crown at this time.

    With a loud “bang” in the air, another carnivorous dinosaur seemed to have the same “target” as the Baryonyx, even with the same jumping timing, so the two carnivorous dinosaurs collided in the air, and then they fell heavily, staring at each other and hissing.

    “As what I said……These guys overslept and just woke up, so the clumsy guys cannot be a threat.”

    However, the abnormal sound quickly attracted “attention”, and more dinosaurs roared from all directions. Some were getting closer and closer, and some were accompanied by the sound of muscle and bone collision……Then there was the sound of teeth tearing and rock cracking. The whole environment was getting noisy.

    “The dinosaurs just ended their sleep of 65 million years. They just woke up, first found you, and then found each other……Perhaps 65 million years is too long, and now it is not difficult to understand that they wanted to use roar to vent their emotions……only……” Yu Sha did not like the way this little monster began to speak but then hesitated.

    “Only they roared with anger. The louder their voice, the more misunderstandings!” said the Dinoman.

    “At the end no one can hear what anyone else is saying. Many carnivore dinosaurs actually had the ability to communicate with their own kind, but now……”

    “Like an adult quarrel……” Yu Sha did not know why she had come to such a conclusion, but the little monster beside her gave an unexpected look of approval……Although the mercy in its eyesight still made Yu Sha unhappy.

    At this moment, all dinosaurs were fighting against each other, with the sound of sand and stone rolling and trees breaking. Such a battle was also carried out in the air, and the Pterosaurs were torn together one after another, with the result of falling down together. The Plesiosaurs jumping from the lake entangled with each other by their necks, and they were too twisted to be separated.

    “How to stop them?” In the deep underground world of dinosaurs, the battles between dinosaurs were still escalating, and the ubiquitous roars made Yu Sha feel like her eardrums were about to break.

    “Let them fight! Not every dinosaur should survive anyway. The world dominated by dinosaurs only needs to the strongest individual.” Seemingly pleased with this conclusion, the little monster closed his eyes with satisfaction.

    They continued to explore the underground world. After a while, two Tyrannosaurs and another three met with each other. The dinosaurs’ struggle was imminent. Five huge dinosaurs blocked their way. They bit each other angrily and attacked each other’s body to form an “arch bridge”. The small robot flew in the air, and the rapid rotation of its tail was similar to a propeller, hovering and investigating like a bamboo dragonfly.

    After determining that the small robot indicated that they passed under the five fighting Tyrannosauruses, Yu Sha felt a little timid to see the sharp teeth of the tyrannosaurs for mutual biting.

    “It is so happy to be able to fly!” Yu Sha lamented. However, how did the small robot have the hidden function? How did it fly into the sky?

    “65 million years ago, the earth’s gravity was lower than now. The earth’s gravity has become such now, due to that asteroid. Before it hit the earth, firstly it hit the moon, and smashed two-thirds of the mass of the moon!”

    The little monster crossed his arms, acting like a greasy uncle recalling the unhappy things of yesterday.

    “Our outpost stimulates the gravity of the earth 65 million years ago, so the small robot can fly. You can also try to jump or run here. I promise, it will be much easier than you on the ground……”

    It was true that, when curiosity replaced fear, a small step had become a big step under the feet. A slight jump could bring Yu Sha to a farther place. Confidence brought courage to overcome fear. Yu Sha chose to listen to her own heart. She ran through the claws of the Tyrannosaur’s gladiator, except for the dust stained with her own white skirt……The carnivorous dinosaurs focused on fighting against each other and didn’t even notice the little girl at their feet.

    They walked up the steep ridge, and the destination was not revealed until Yu Sha reached the top of the mountain. On the other side of the ridge was the white tower in the distance of the underground world——exactly the pillar of the underground world. Whatever the “White Tower” was, it seemed to lead to a more mysterious place. At the top of the ridge, Yu Sha could get a full view of the underground dinosaur world.

    The breeze brought the feeling of temperate climate, and the climate of the underground world felt so much like Macao. A piece of green on the top of the mountain was just away from the noise of the dinosaurs. It felt great. Some kind of impulse gathered, and Yu Sha encouraged herself.

    “In this fantastic dream, nothing is impossible!” She put her hands to her mouth and closed her fingers.

    “Hey! Dinosaur World! Hello! Here I come!” She tried to shout out the volume of all her life!

    The breeze seemed to stop at the moment of her shouting, and the “White Tower” in the distance made a flash of blue halo.

    As a coincidence, the clamorous dinosaurs also stopped to listen to Yu Sha’s cries, and the underground world suddenly changed from noisy to quiet.

    Until, the sound of a crisp swing, and then the sound of a solid ball falling, Yu Sha suddenly looked toward the only voice in the quiet world.

    The familiar team, the familiar back of the old man, made Yu Sha suddenly remember everything that happened on the black sand beach——that night, the old man stopped the mountain-like monster only by his eyes. Now the old man was playing golf in the underground dinosaur world under the “White Tower”!