Chapter 8 Noisy World
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-02-20 16:37      字?jǐn)?shù):4135
    At the end of the underground dinosaur world, the warm wind blew in the direction of the pure white tower, which was like the pillar beam supporting heaven and earth in the underground world in the underground world. The white tower connecting the sky was transformed into a “God Tree” in the sky, and the steel branches without leaves were stretched out to support the “sky” of the underground abyss. In the place close to the ground, the white tower was more and more slender. When it really touched the earth, the white tower standing in the place only occupied the area of a needle tip.

    However, a human golf course appeared in the nearest place to the White Tower, which suddenly increased abruptness and vulgarity for this fantastic scene in front of us.

    Three golf carts were parked there, and a group of bodyguards in black surrounded the old man in the underground abyss——a mysterious world full of dinosaurs.

    The figure of the old man was not strange to Yu Sha. He was human, and now he was here, which meant……meant he must know something.”

    “Hey! Wait for me!” Yu Sha shouted on the ridge at the end of the “world”. She once again tried to make a sound. But perhaps because it was too far away, or perhaps because it was just a coincidence to get the echo, her call did not get any response.

    “If you cannot stand, it is safe to run down the hill from here.” The Dinoman pointed out the way down the mountain to the east with his tail.

    Yu Sha began to run without thinking. She loved running. In fact, there was no mistake to say that it was flying. The gravity in the abyss world was smaller than the ground, and Yu Sha became as light as a swallow.

    However, Yu Sha was one step late. The old man turned around at the moment before Yu Sha arrived and sat on the golf cart surrounded by his followers. However, Yu Sha was close enough this time. The old man saw Yu Sha. He stared at Yu Sha on the golf cart. His eyesight was like the snow falling the the lake in the winter sun. It was neither warm nor cold, but the old man’s face was hidden under the deep hat and the strict mask……A moment later, the golf cart was driven under the White Tower, submerging in the air like crashing water.

    “Who is that old man?” Yu Sha asked the newly arriving Dinoman.

    “I can’t tell you his name, for we have an agreement.” The Dinoman collected its passionate crown and said quite resolutely, “It’s a secret.” The little robot behind him opened his only eye and gave a helpless expression.

    “Are the elderly and these Dinomen who want to destroy the world together?” Yu Sha guessed the answer: the old man may want to bring the world into his grave.

    “No, I can’t answer that question. There is an agreement between us!”

    “So is he really a human being?” Thinking of the owner of the store grandma was disguised by two Dinomen, Yu Sha asked.

    “Yes, he is human.” The little robot next to him gave a regretful expression.


    “Come on, you have too many questions. Now I need you do me a favor, and that’s why I want to bring you here. ” The Dinoman interrupted Yu Sha’s question, and he said that a little haughtily when its crown was raised.

    “Of course you have the right to choose. If you choose to accept it, you can come with me……” The suddenly erected crown was like a threat, and the smile blocked by the tail feather was particularly cunning.

    “Please” The small robot learned the action of human clasping its fists in the air. The earnestness in its big eye made it like a devout believer.

    “Or you can stay here……and I’ll pick you up when I’m free.” At this moment, a carnivorous dinosaur that looked larger than a tyrannosaur passed by them. It had tiger-stripe feathers, and its exposed head and neck skin was likely a blood-thirsty vulture.

    “This is Majungasaurus!” The small monster added, “with both strength and wisdom.” After that, that dinosaur rushed coldly towards a big tree and suddenly hit it with a thick neck. A sleeping Pterosaur fell from the crown and became the food of the murderous dinosaur.

    “Unlike Tyrannosaurs, it is not interested in strong prey, but prefers easy-to-hand prey.” The little monster looked up and down at Yu Sha, while the small robot flying in the air hit a word “danger” with its eyes!

    This threat was too obvious, wasn’t it? Yu Sha could only follow, and bottom of the White Tower of the needle tip size extended to the sky, becoming the “backbone” of the whole underground world. Originally there was no door where the White Tower contacted the ground……But when they were close enough, the feeling of infiltration suddenly came, and after a brief suffocation, it was a state of complete weightlessness.

    Yu Sha had never seen a more gorgeous scene than now in her life, as if every drop of water wrapped around her condenses tens of thousands of colors and tens of thousands of years, and such water drops were as dense as stars. There, she saw the rapid change of stars, the accelerated rotation of the sun and the moon, and then the short germination and disillusionment of the four seasons. Everything was in a flash, and the displacement of the continental plate……Macao was gradually away from the mainland, into the ocean……

    It was not until time slowed down and began to settle down that Yu Sha realized that 65 million years ago Macao was such a different small island, and that Macao was at the center of the whole world.

    “Have I crossed time and come to the dinosaur era?” Questions rose from Yu Sha’s heart. She brushed her short hair uncomfortably across her ears, but there was no sense of wetness in the touch, but the world was clearly in the water.

    “Child of human, your question is difficult to explain. If it must be simply answered, you are in a place that is neither past, nor future, even not now!” The rock-like sound seemed to be crowded into her heart by water waves. The sound was illusory, without any direction.

    “Where is this? Where is Zere?” Yu Sha did not like the strangers who suddenly visited her heart. The feeling of certainty in her voice seemed to be able to peep into one’s heart.

    “You are safe, little girl. This is the memory hall of the Dinoman.”

    “So who are you?”

    “A very old, very old Dinoman. When I was alive, other Dinomen called me the Sage of Great Wisdom.”

    “So are you a ghost? I have……” The underground world, the time of backflow and even no feeling of standing there, Yu Sha had an ominous premonition.

    “No. I have died in the distant past, but you have not, girl, you are safe.” That sound was not sad. “Talking to you is all my memories, as well as the data sent back of the Dinoman Messenger of all following ages.”

    Perhaps this was an excellent opportunity to ask……

    “So, are you Dinomen really ready to destroy all mankind?”

    “This is really one of the options, and that’s why we have to meet with each other. Maybe you can answer our question.”

    “What is the problem?” Although Yu Sha had guessed the answer.

    “Should we destroy the human?” The voice grew low and cold, as if it were rushing out of the sea of time at any moment.

    “But what can be decided by me……” If this was a dream, Yu Sha hoped to wake up early.

    “You are the observer selected by the 72nd messenger. You don’t have to answer or decide anything, and you just need to make……a choice.” Then the turbulent “water flow” gradually faded away, and the sound of heartbeat became the only existence in the dark environment.

    Until……the dazzling sunlight suddenly shone into the empty darkness, and the sound of seabirds awakened memories that were not far away……

    “It’s time to go home, girl.” Her Dad took the 32nd Barbie doll and said softly. The afternoon sun gently sprinkled on her Dad’s ancient bronze face, and his shadow cast under the golden building of Lisboa Casino was like a huge pineapple.

    “Your Mom is waiting eagerly. You know her temper: if we go home late, no precious gift can make her smile.” Her Dad carried two beautiful cartons. Yu Sha knew the secret of the carton——the latest crocodile skin handbag and……After two years, she still remembered it, but why it returned to the past now?

    “Don’t be silly standing there. Aha, I know, you can’t wait to take the package off, right?” Her Dad bent down and stroked her face softly. At first his hand rested on Yu Sha’s chin——the height of Yu Sha’s face two years ago. Obviously she grew up, so her Dad was bewildered for a moment till mercy returned to his clear eyes above his high nose.

    “In fact, I really want the gift of Battle Angel Alita, or the costume for Cosplay.” Although two years ago, Yu Sha would have preferred an encyclopedia, and even now she had changed her mind, Yu Sha had never wanted those stupid dolls, but she could not say no, as she could not speak.

    “I said you would not dislike Barbies. This is the limited edition of the New Year, and your Aunt……” Then came the familiar story again, which was told again and again by her Dad. But this time was different from reality. Her Dad’s voice began to become louder and louder, and the speed of his speech was more and more anxious, as if it would be difficult for him to breathe if he did not speak it out……

    Yu Sha quickly found more unusual places. They were located in the bus station between Grand Lisboa and Lisboa Casinos, just like an island. The cars passed quickly, and the speed of the cars was faster and faster with the speed of his Dad’s speech, and the traffic flow was more and more intensive. Then all the cars whistled together……

    “Stop! I don’t want to hear that at all. Stop!” Yu Sha did her best to shout, for a few days with the Dinomen made her used to shout her motions out.

    “I don’t like Barbie dolls. I don’t like the girl things. I don’t like your nagging. Stop! I’ve had enough.”

    The seabirds flying in the sky uttered a chorus of sounds, like a response to the call of Yu Sha. The response in the sky was too far away, while in front of her, as always, her Dad could not hear her voice, and she continued to tell the story of his childhood with relish.

    “Your Aunt really loves Barbie dolls. She used to tell me, Lucas, if only you could play football, then you could make a lot of money. But your Aunt was so talkative, not a good listener, so she did not know that I was deeply into Japanese movies……Until one day she left a note saying she was going to work in EI Salvador, where there are many counters selling Barbie dolls. If lucky, she could become a clerk there……”

    The birds on the horizon were once again singing in unison. Yu Sha looked at the sky worriedly until she confirmed that it was a wing instead of a wing membrane……Then she was relieved. Just like her Dad’s nagging, the birds’ voice was more and more harsh and approaching. Yu Sha knew the bird and liked the bird. She remembered that she had never heard that kind of bird in Macao, so she looked at the sky again……

    A bunch of flying penguins? Pink? The sky turned pink where the birds passed. Yu Sha rubbed her eyes violently: it was indeed a flock of flying penguins.

    “Then your Aunt left home, and all that was left was your gambling grandfather and your grandmother who complained all day. Finally one day, after watching enough Japanese movies, I realized that if I was able enough to buy even the cheapest Barbie, your Aunt would not leave us. There was no further news after she went to EI Salvador. I could not bear to wait, so I only chose to leave.”

    The flying pink penguin flocks were noisily flying closer and closer. They cast pink shadows and dye the passing world pink.

    “Finally I got on a boat. They said it would go to Japan, but finally it docked in Macao.”

    “But I don’t regret coming here, for I met the best thing in my life here.” His brown curly hair was blown by the breeze, the light of wisdom strangely appeared in her Dad’s eyes.

    At that moment, her Dad’s harsh voice became soft again, and the hustle and bustle of the world returned to the blue of peace.

    “But your Mom soon became someone else. I really regret the impulse, if……” The soothing tranquility lasted only one second, and the next second, the world became harsh and chattering again.

    Eventually the pink penguins flew over Yu Sha’s head and over her Dad, casting a pink shadow for a world within reach. Then strange things happened again. At first, the New Lisboa Casino was like a huge pineapple building of the metal color, and now it suddenly became pink favored by girls. Then the appearance and shape of the adjacent Lisboa Casino were also changing. The outline of the building gradually rounded, and finally the entire Lisboa Casino became a huge lollipop. With the flight of penguins, one building after another began a similar change: some became lollipops, some became sky-high cotton candy, and some became chocolate buildings.

    The whole Macao has become the world of candy, and the buildings were not quiet after becoming candy. They were like big speakers, constantly amplifying her Dad’s nagging and making the world noisy. The cars on the road were moving faster and faster, so fast that Yu Sha’s eyes could not keep up with it.

    Finally “poof”, like the sound of a balloon explosion, the cars crashed into the pink smoke, and the pink Tyrannosaurus rushed out of the smoke one after another.

    “You don’t know. Your Mom became different after getting married……But damn, why should I tell you this. But I really can’t help it. Your Mom is nagging every day. At first, she blamed me for having no serious job. Later, she said that serious work could not make money……But I did everything as she said. Yu Sha, I really did……”

    Perhaps her world had been destroyed before the emergence of Dinomen, Yu Sha sadly thought, but that was only an instant idea. Everything was illusion, similar as the memory, but not completely similar. This feeling was like something very familiar……


    Now Yu Sha only wanted to escape from this noisy dream, the chattering Dad and the noisy pink penguins in the sky.

    As if they were aware of Yu Sha’s determination, the pink Tyrannosaurs became so violent that they collided into the candy building one by one. Some tore the porch and column, and some climbed up the roof of the candy building.

    The pink world was being torn apart by pink Tyrannosaurs, but her Dad’s nagging, the noise of flying penguins continued. The world was ruled by noises, so Yu Sha crouched down and covered her ears in pain. As soon as she closed her eyes, some strange blue light flashed not far from her.

    At a sudden corner of the wall piled by the red bricks, the side hidden by the corner reflected the sweet soft light like the blue sky and clam sea.

    As if it was the exit of the nightmare, Yu Sha ran desperately towards the quietness, and she just wanted to leave the pink noisy world.

    Macao was crowded and narrow——running, and then meet the corner, which usually meant a new world. Now, she was determined to stay away.

    “No!” Some kind of voice echoed in Yu Sha’s ears when she was approaching the corner. It was like a silent heart sound or a shout, like his own hoarse call or the sigh of the Dinoman Zere covering its mouth with its tail feather.

    Even Yu Sha was not sure if the voice was real, but the little girl stopped……Suddenly she realized something.

    Looking back in the direction of her Dad, she found that he disappeared in the illusion together with his nagging. Where his father stood, three golf cars stopped steadily. The old man leaned on the crutch in anger. His face was still hidden under the long hat of the ball cap. He hit the ground with his delicate crutch. The old man cursed the rampage of the Tyrannosaurus, as if it were a boy cursing a puppy that suddenly broke into his room. Anger made the old man tremble, but Yu Sha could not hear what the old man was saying.

    There was still nothing to miss in the world: her Dad disappeared, the candy building was collapsing, the sound of glass breaking was harsh and sharp, the Tyrannosaurus rampaged to make the earth shake, the pink penguins in the sky were shouting loudly, and the old man in front of them……Although Yu Sha could not hear his curse, but if she could hear that, presumably it would not be pleasant……

    Hustle and bustle filled every corner, so Yu Sha turned to escape. When she was making her decision, it came some kind of stinging feeling behind her head.

    When she looked back again, the old man stared at her with his side face. His eyesight seemed to blame Yu Sha for destroying the world. Yu Sha felt grievance and incomprehension. When she was about to think, the noise doubled again. Yu Sha could not bear it, and she rushed to the corner of the red bricks……

    The torrent was like an oncoming waterfall. There was indeed a new world outside the corner. The colorful liquid quickly wrapped her. Yu Sha could not breathe in the turbulent water flow, and she could only hold her breath.

    She took a big gulp of air. After confirming that she could breathe, Yu Sha opened her eyes. Her Mom was in the kitchen washing dishes and chopsticks, and her rubber gloves were rubbing against the ceramics to make a subtle jarring sound.

    “Why you come back so late?” Her Mom’s gloomy eyesight fell on Yu Sha’s face, and the vertical long black hair and her delicate makeup made her more severe. “How many times have I told you not to make yourself so dirty like those boys? What’s on your hand?”

    Then Yu Sha realized that her right hand was a little heavy. She found that she was carrying a beautiful carton on her right hand——memories were coming like a tide……

    That happened later on the same day. Two years ago, her Dad and she went home, and at the door her Dad received a call.

    “Yu Sha, I have a bad feeling. If I go upstairs, I will be scolded by your Mom. I really had enough in these days. I don’t want to coax her. You can help me give the gift to her.”

    “Tell me when your Mom is in a good mood. Then I will go home! Ok? Good girl!” Then her Dad turned around and left.

    “That wretched boy! Why don’t you give it to me personally.” At one moment, her Mom stopped her work, with her happy face. However, a pink penguin bumped into the kitchen window stupidly, and ridiculously left “beep” and flew away quickly.

    With some unknown feeling, Yu Sha knew the memory was about to change. As expected, the window was dyed pink, followed by the sink, and then the tableware in the sink.

    “Can’t your Dad make even a little change? You are growing up, but he is still like a kid……” Her Mom’s tone changed from being gentle to reproaching. When the plates and rubber gloves were dyed pink, the dishes washing made more and more harsh sound.

    Her Mom’s mobile phone rang by the sink. Her Mom answered the phone. After a few seconds of silence, she hung up. Yu Sha saw that the mobile phone had turned pink when it was put down.

    “He’s just that kind of person. He was totally irresponsible, and he always said that he did everything for our family, but in fact he was causing trouble……I was so blind at the time that I insisted on marrying him……” Her Mom’s voice grew harsher and harsher, and her anger made her rub the china with the rubber gloves in a harder way. Yu Sha could not stand the noise, and she instinctively covered her ears……

    It suddenly reminded Yu Sha of why she remembered this day so clearly. For the first time in her life, this mute girl chose to refuse the world by squatting down and covering her ears……After that, she had to do it often.

    “No! Mom, stop!” She really wanted to shout it out.

    The noise in the sink was getting louder and louder. The pink china turned into pink smoke with “poof”. Then the pink Pterosaurs flew out of the sink and flew all over the room. They rubbed the mirror, glass and wood with their claws and teeth, so the harsh and breaking noises were everywhere, and the memory was changed again into the noisy pink.

    Yu Sha squatted down and covered her ears with her hands. The red-brick corner appeared again with the comfortable blue light. This time, Yu Sha did not hesitate to stay away from the noisy world and away from memory. She told herself that it was all an illusion, so it was enough to be far away from it.

    “Wait a minute!” The voice came again like a ghost, unable to distinguish who it was or distinguish true from false. “Do you forget anything?”

    Looking back following the voice, Yu Sha saw her Dad’s gift shining with black dazzling light……It was the boldest decision she had ever made in her life——When she returned to touch the gift, the black light swam into her arm like a snake.

    There was the bitterly chilliness, and when Yu Sha felt suffocated, she suddenly breathed, and the cold light gathered to her neck and then a vertigo almost made Yu Sha fall into the corner……