Chapter 4 The Risk of Dragon War
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-01-01 19:30      字?jǐn)?shù):1733
    After going down from the plateau where the Rock Tribe was located, Kun and I again sat on the back of the huge camel. This time the camel also knew the next journey would only be more difficult.

    "Where are we going now?"

    Kun met my confused eyes and squinted up his eyes which were like a crescent moon, gently touched the huge camel under the seat.

    He looked to the far front, where it was always farther away than I ever thought possible.

    "You'll find out soon enough." After leaving the Rock Tribe, we had in fact been traveling south.

    A pink sky hung over the world, and the night had not ended since the Sky Tower of False God was built. As I look up at the sky, the endless frosty flurries scattered by the Tower of Heaven are like a rainbow river in the night; at least they look beautiful, but I won't be fooled by their looks, they are responsible for the world remaining cold.

    Probably after another night, unbroken peaks gradually appeared in front of us. On the verge of arriving at the foot of another mountain, the silent earth suddenly drifted up from the surface to the sky, against gravity, like a silver "snowflake". The snowflakes from the ground suddenly scattered and gathered, like a dancing like a dancing butterfly.

    Snowflakes appeared out of nowhere and surrounded Kun like magic, he chanted softly as if it were some kinds of profound ritual, he waved his fingers as if he was casting a spell, until he opened his eyes languidly and turned around, beckoning to me.

    "Boy, someone's coming."


    "Someone familiar." Kun did not answer but was more mysterious.

    Just as I was disoriented, the air around me gradually had a frozen feeling. This is probably the one Kun was talking about!

    "Is this really the war to win? Will humans really win? Traitor to the False Gods, do you really rely on what you say?"

    The hoarse voice came out of the cold air, and I thought of the bearded dwarf at once, but looking around I could feel nothing but the clatter of metal and the trembling of the ground.

    Kun did not panic, he searched for his own footsteps - the "snowflakes" that he used his "magic" to rain down were clearly imprinted with huge footprints.

    When I looked behind again, I did not know when, on the originally thick and boundless ice and snow, there was a series of deeply concave iron marks.

    " "If you don't believe me, Lord Zulu, you can go back the way you came. Why do you have to follow me? "?"

    Kun's long fingers skimmed the silver threads on his shoulders, and his thin lips sighed out a graceful sigh of light vapor. Then his left hand curled up his long hair, somewhat lazily proposing.

    "Hum!” It was still that sound without a trace.

    "Hey! False God's traitor boy, can't you speak honestly? Since you announced your conversion to the True God, you should be honest with us!" A rather disgruntled voice came from the void.

    The footprints that appeared out of thin air in the snow came closer, and the noise of metal bumping became more powerful.

    "I've been wrestling with this question all night, and I need an answer now!" The voice of the dwarf Zulu sounded irritated.

    "I do not recall, my Lord, saying that I would convert to your gods," Kun responded calmly.

    "But at least we agree on some common good, don't we? False god traitor!" Hidden in the air, the beard did not want to let the subject go so easily.

    "Yes, you know that I cannot lie to you or anyone else —— it is a curse born to False Gods. But I have no trust in any God, including the ultimate destiny that men in heaven are seeking." For some reason, there was always a hint of sadness in Kun's tone.

    I often wondered if this sadness was due to the fact that he took the "betrayal" on his own, and because of that, he was left with a deep sense of loneliness.

    "Really? Your troubles made me sleepless last night! I'm glad you said such words - it is a true fact that False Gods cannot lie to mortals, and now I feel much better."

    "My lord, you slept so well the night before, I thought you didn't seem so troubled in your sleep. I don't think you looked so troubled in your sleep." The morning light and pink dust blurred the figure of Kun, he stretched his slender arm lazily, and his mysterious smile in the dawn rose and faded.

    "How did you see it?" In the air, the bearded voice was alarmed.

    Perhaps mindful of his own gaffe, two more dry, embarrassed coughs filled the air. "Forgot you're a False God. The damn digital demon is still inside you, but may the true God truly purify your soul."

    "That's a very interesting accusation." Kun covered his lips and laughed out loud.

    "Doesn't the realistic mimicry system used by your ironclad warrior stealth require digital demons to perform number crunching? Lord Zulu, why are you blaming me instead?" At that moment, Kun's calmness that could see through everything made me awe, but also made his image in my mind become vague and distant in my mind.

    "I say it again! We believe in the True God, and even if you are right about the existence of digital demons among our ironclad warriors, after days and nights of anticipation, the True God has helped us to limit it. it in check, the digital demons have been able to exist for us for only one reason - human slaves!"

    The bearded man's voice was still gruff, but you could hear some embarrassment in it - sometimes it's better to speak calmly than to argue out loud.

    Kun continued smiling as if he did not have any interest in it.

    "There is nothing strange about the fact that every tribe has secrets of its own. Perhaps war is uncommon for you False Gods. But the world of man is full of dangers, and as dwarves, we have to be more prepared because of it."

    The dwarf Zulu's voice went from a high pitch to a low pitch, as if to tell of the sufferings he had to face. It reminded me that my father would often say the same thing.

    "In order to survive, each tribe has to secretly retain some special powers."

    And with that, more than his sheer figure, the bearded Zulu fell completely silent in the snow, as if he had never come.

    'Watch out!” Kun shouted suddenly in alarm. Then the earth shook.

    'What's that?” Bearded asked in the air.

    The huge camel underneath me hissed out of fear and nearly threw me off its back serval times.

    "I don't know. Sounds like a lot of big guys."

    Crouching on the ground, Kun listened carefully. The sounds and vibrations came closer and closer, but deep behind the crimson haze lay the more dangerous truth……

    The glacier behind us raised ice shards that had been crushed and shattered by the crushing.

    Hornless giant rhinoceros appeared in herds on the glacier, hundreds of migrating giant rhinoceros, stretching their long necks past where we had inadvertently disturbed them. They kept chewing leaves regurgitating in their stomachs, so close to us that I could see the air coming out of their moist nostrils.

    They arrived as if they had come out of a dream, the ubiquitous pink frost untroubled them. Their graceful, calm demeanor even gave me the illusion that these giant beasts were chasing the frosty floc that we hated!

    "Boom!" The ironclad giant hidden in the air was tipped to the ground by a rhinoceros with his neck. With that, the ability to be invisible loses its effect - although the ironclad giant could walk, its clumsy collapse was no different than that of dead wood.

    "It seems, Lord Zulu, that your ironclad giant has violated the dignity of Mister Giant Rhinoceros."

    Kun carefully assisted the dwarf man from the "cradle" woven from the iron frame in front of the ironclad giant's chest. The bearded dwarf, with his never-ending look of defiance on his face, was stubborn as an overly pale child.

    "Damn it, how did that beast see me? I have already integrated with the environment!" Dwarf beard groaned as he watched the horned rhino go away.

    Watching the hordes of giant rhinoceros once again without a second thought, walk righteously into the nightmare of mankind - the pink mist of the False Gods—— I had some questions of my own.

    Then I couldn't help looking at the initiator of human nightmares —— the Sky Tower of the False God was slowly turning its huge wheels, in the highest far zenith, stirring the world.

    "Perhaps animals have a better sense of truth than humans," I said.

    Kun looked at me with flowing sad eyes, somehow without any words, then he turned his eyes and said to the bearded dwarf. "Humans believe that the real world is only made up of three primary colors, red, green, and blue. Animals' eyes obviously see more than humans do, so my lord, your optical camouflage is of no use to sensitive animals……"

    "Boom", a loud sound. Kun's words had not yet finished, the violent sound of the wind at this time straight into the heart of the people. Looking up, the sky in the giant wings cast a shadow of death, and the strong winds fanned out from under the wings.

    'What is that? "Said the Dwarf beard in horror, and then, the creepy horrifying whistling sound came along with the thing's huge body.

    "A dragon? Is there such a thing?" In an extreme surprise, Zulu simply asked himself a question.

    The dragon in the sky was breathing flames, flames lit up the dark glacier like meteors. The arrival of the dragon coming by wind was shocking.

    "Is this how the Dracolony grazes?" Kun gazed at the giant dragons in the sky and coldly said.

    "What an ironic world for such a huge creature can actually fly and spit fire." "Sighed the bearded man, staring up at the sky.