Chapter 5 Control the Dragons
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-01-06 10:36      字?jǐn)?shù):2999
    The pain was gathering bit by bit as consciousness became clearer……

    Along with the iron chains I saw the dark blue of the fire suspending in the air. Droplets of water were seeping out along the walls. Following the trail of water drops sliding down, one could see that the stone that locked me in place wall was covered with moss.

    My eyes grew accustomed to the darkness around me, except for me and the bearded Zulu lying nearby. Kun was also here. In this dark wet cave, the world became fair, the same captive Kun lost the preferential treatment that a False God should have.

    The only difference was that beside Kun stood four people cloaked in python skin cloaks, their faces were hidden in the dark shadows of the cloaks, and the only thing that could be identified was their long and thin figures, as well as their muffled and hoarse voices, which sounded like the slow exhale of old men.

    It was only then that I became fully conscious and the pain in my body followed. The events of the dragon's arrival kept sticking into my mind like shards of glass.

    Not long ago, even before the bearded Zulu was able to order his ironclad warrior to raise arms, the swooping dragon caught us in its huge claws…… The next moment we closed our eyes, the three of us were in a cage made of giant claws.

    Then, there was only cold darkness in the memory.

    "No one welcomes you here, False God. Forgive me for calling you so plainly. Though it's not a nice thing to say, give up arguing about the proper dignity of your heavenly person. You should be thankful that you are a False God and you are free to go now."

    The voice in the cloak rose abruptly, but the speaker's face remained in the darkness……

    "But these two mortals must stay. That’s funny, False God, you have brought two very interested men. One is the son of the chief of the Su Xia Tribe, and the other is the leader of the Rock Tribe."

    The sound coming out of the darkness had the same joy as the dancing blue fire flame and a high and low voice like a ghostly voice that wandered through the cavern along with the sound of water dripping.

    In the near darkness, Kun's surroundings seemed to radiate a blue glow, and the enigmatic general smile still hung lightly on his exquisite face, as if he was not a prisoner but an honored guest.

    "Perhaps we Dracolony should thank you, Lord False God, for your excellent gift, which gives us an advantage in the conquest of these two tribes. By the way, Lord False God, how did you know we were carefully planning a sneak raid?"

    In the dark, boa-patterned cloak, sharp teeth clattered against each other and made a penetrating noise. At a certain instant of time, scarlet eyes suddenly appeared in the cloak.

    Then, after the sound of a ringing finger ……

    “Boom!” There was a loud bang and a flash of maroon fire suddenly lit up the cave.

    Only then did I see that in the rest of the shadow, the dragon with giant red wings had been crouching in the cave. The monster of the nightmare even has obedient moments like a saber-toothed cat. The giant dragon's fire brought not only heat but also the threat of its master.

    "This is your last chance, Lord False God if you wish to leave alive. And as for your great gift, we Dracolony will surely repay you…… But not today."

    The figure in the python cloak stretched out his bony arms and made a "please" gesture in the direction of the sea breeze blowing.

    Kun's smile was still continuing, no one could read any emotion on his face, as he did not care about the dragon’s flame, the sword in front of us…… And even us.

    Was this the way it had to be? Was this the end of my ridiculous journey? The end of everything? Would we, the inferior mortals, be sacrificed for the freedom that False God was looking for?

    However, Kun’s smile had no intention of stopping. The sea breeze invaded, blowing his long hair on the shoulder, he stroked the wisp of hair to cover his lip “playfully”, so as to hide the true thoughts of his heart at the moment.

    "False God boy, you have betrayed your race. Two wrongs neither make a right nor a new good man!"

    The bearded Zulu growled angrily at the Kun, his round fat face red with anxiety.

    "Our Rock tribe will give you as much as these cold-blooded creepy-loving creatures can give you! But you must get us back safely!"

    Kun coldly looked at Zulu, then stared at the leader in the python cloak.

    "Lord Bluewing, you may have misunderstood our purpose. We……"

    But Kun's words have not finished, known as the Lord Bluewing mercilessly interrupted.

    "We Dracolony are aware of your absurd proposal - to have mortals attack the False God inhabiting the Sky Tower? We were not at all interested in such a heavenly thing! In contrast, the Dwarf Tribe's ice-burning lakes and the Su Xia Tribe's vast hunting grounds have made us salivate for a long time. After all, the snow season is coming up, and it's much due to your False Gods being more than usual for spreading frosty flurries like crazy. Hum! How cold do you think it will be this winter?"

    As if echoing the leader of the chief of Dracolony Tribe, the silent dragon growled menacingly again.

    "You see, even the dragon is getting impatient. Come on, don't lose time, False God! It's time to make your final decision!"

    "False gods are heavenly beings after all, and you shouldn't be friends with mortals, should you?" Bluewing, the leader of the Dracolony, tried to provoke, and the teasing expression gradually curdled into a threat.

    "Lord Bluewing, is there no room for negotiation? What a harsh way your tribe treats its guests!"

    Kun lifted the flowing hair in front of his face and said with a little regret, but what he got was the silent figure under the four cloaks —— unmoved refusal.

    "Then I demand a just verdict!" Kun declared in a steady tone. "I asked to leave with my friend"

    "Hullo! Traitor in heaven, are you crazy? Just judgment? In their territory, in the end, it's still these cold-blooded guys declaring our fate?" The bearded leader could not remain calm any longer. His small body jumped up out of anger, but the chained legs and feet could not satisfy his determination to jump. The sound of rattling rose and the sound of the chains hitting each other.

    "If I remember correctly, according to Dracolony’s tradition, anyone has a chance to seek justice from the Feathered God of Justice, isn't it?" Kun said flatly.

    "This is the rule of the Dracolony’s ancestors. Will you stop keeping the covenant when you have a new god?" Kun deliberately raised his voice, defiantly looking at Blue Wing's frozen expression under his cloak.

    Kun's gaze quickly skimmed over the other warriors of the Dracolony, and sure enough, his few words caused the others to start talking - the breakthrough point of the Dracolony, Kun had finally found it.

    A look of disbelief gathered on the face of Bluewing, the Dracolony’s leader. "All right, False God, I grant your request."

    "Thank you, Lord Bluewing. Oh, no, Mr. Bluewing Spokesman." Kun “ghostly” looked at the Bluewing who was no longer arrogant, saying leisurely meaningful words.

    "Come with me……"

    We then came to a knife-hewn ridge, where ghostly fires flickered along the trail of wind, creating a hellish atmosphere. In front of the roaring sea cliff, a bright moon hung high in the sky, then I saw the Kun bathed in the pink frosted floc, his expression in the moonlight like a smile in tears of blood.

    "Damn it…… I should never have come here with you. I was a fool to trust a traitor."

    Bearded looked at Kun grudgingly and kept complaining. It was only the huge waves at the edge of the cliff that drowned out the dwarf chief's flooding roar.

    Eyes of Kun did not stay on the cliff in danger, his eyes fixed at the end of the cliff - a suspension of the ink vortex as if projected in the air in the flow of the lake. "Lake" was constantly inhaled by the bright crystals, the vertical appeared in the air of the lake constantly rotating, forming the appearance of the eddy.

    Looking at the swirl that appeared out of nowhere, I always felt that it had unspeakable and mysterious powers - like swallowing everything, mud, air, huge waves, mountains, and even time.

    The sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from behind us, and when we turned to look over, the rubble on the cliff was shaken. shook, and crowds of people clad in scaly cloaks of various colors waved their long-nailed fists and began to cheer. and started cheering.

    "These are our soldiers. It is your turn to choose the men who will fight." Lord Bluewing pointed proudly to a monster too strong to be a man —— a giant with a golden helmet on his head, red eyes staring at everything around him, roaring amid the cheers of the onlookers, and a mouth full of fangs that seemed to have an all-consuming desire. His skin was turquoise, and his rough tattoos like crocodile epidermis covered the top of his chest.

    But most surprising of all, the Dracolony giant still had a studded tail behind him. This artificial long tail could actually flap itself from side to side, leaving scars wherever it passes.

    The appearance of this monster made me despair. Could we really survive? A child, a delicate, beautiful boy, and a warrior, a brave man from the dwarves tribe, whose strong body was not even half as tall as the giant's hammer. What chance do we stand?

    "I protest, I… I need my mount." The bearded Zulu tried to sound as confident as he could.

    "Yes, if so, you ride on your mechanical toys, our soldiers should ride on the dragon." As the Chief of Bluewing proudly declared, the dragon next to him belched flames in coordination, and the cast-iron lamppost dissolved in an instant, while Beard swallowed his fear.

    A sense of impotence that heralded the coming of some sad destiny, a sense that I seemed to have no courage to do anything about except submit to it. If my father was here, he would have bravely stepped forward and fought to the death. …… But I was not my father.

    At this moment I no longer complained about my father's scornful gaze - no one needed me, I was just a burden to this cold generation.

    "No, Lord Zulu, you don't have to fight this fight yourself, against the Dracolony giants, just let this boy do it."

    "Me? How could it be me?" I expected it to be a joke, but Kun's eyes were full of encouragement.

    "Pick up a sword and a shield. Trust me, you can do it." Kun's smile still lasted.

    "Are you crazy? The emaciated child is certain to die!” The bearded Zulu stepped in front of me, and I wasn't sure if this was his way of protecting me or ignoring me.

    "Lord Zulu! Only the child can save us now!" Kun sternly said. His eyes were full of unquestioned divine light. "You must learn to trust him, to trust this boy……"

    I was frozen in place, and a warm feeling inexplicable flowed to my heart, even just for a short time, but it was enough for me to forget the fear.

    "Stop talking nonsense and accept your miserable fate." The Chief of Bluewing of the Dracolony flicked his cloak impatiently.

    "Trust your heart, but don't let your emotions control you."

    Kun's gaze was my only dependence. Looking at his blue bright eyes, all things around suddenly became quiet, neither roaring waves nor fire-breathing dragon, everything frightening disappeared in my sight at this time. I only could see Kun’s straight body and the sky above the cliff emitting a purple halo.

    "I can't beat that giant lizard, can I? So…… Your encouragement…… It's just…… Nothing but lies……" Kun and I looked at each other with disbelief and resentment that must have been conveyed, right?

    However, Kun was not impressed.

    "Yes, in a fight like this, you won't get one chance in a hundred thousand to survive."

    "Then why me? I asked about life and death questions in an excessive voice.

    "Because the odds that matter whether we live or die are not in the duel, but there."

    The eyes of the Kun gently passed there - the end of the cliff, flashing purple halo "whirlpool lake".

    It seemed to me that I instantly understood Kun's full intentions, as if it were destiny, and that there was no way to get there but to get there. Only, it was almost suicide to go there - but what was in the “whirlpool” at the end of the cliff?

    "No, I don't think I can……"

    "You can, I believe in you." Kun suddenly came forward to hold my shoulder, his gaze as if some kind of ceremony, my inferiority and fear was slowly falling apart.

    When I really stepped onto the battlefield, I had no choice, I took the initiative to make provocative moves toward the monster, as my father taught me, "Confuse the enemy stronger than you, this is your only chance of victory, coward!" But I was not a coward anymore.

    The giant angrily flung his tail across his back and tried to push me off the cliff with it, but I had no desire to fight the giant, and, taking the opportunity to avoid the passage of his tail, I ran to the top of the cliff…

    “No!” The Chief of Bluewing of the Dracolony had an afterthought, and at the moment his cry arrived, one of my feet had already built up its strength, and the other was already dangling in the air…

    I looked firmly at the mysterious "whirlpool" after the cliff, almost with my whole body strength, squatted, and jumped - as I leaped down into the abyss below the cliff, I was not fighting to close my eyes.

    Later on, I thought about the reason why I chose to believe in Kun's words, even at the risk of death as a bet. At that time, I was really naive ……

    When my body was about to fly into the "whirlpool" at the end of the cliff, when there was a cold feeling in the palm of my hand, I knew that I had done it!

    The next time I opened my eyes, the gravel from the cliff hurt my back. Too late to react, Kun immediately took away the purple stone that appeared in my hands and lunged to the edge of the cliff, Bluewings led a swarm of the Dracolony, and the giant dragon roared out the flame and flew into the air to join the threat of the queue.

    "Stay back. If you go any further, I'll drop this thing." Kun raised the purple stone, went back to the edge of the cliff, and said threateningly.

    This halted the advance of the enemy, but strangely, this time it was not Bluewing, the chief of the Dracolony, who was leading the charge. A man half as tall as a normal man came at a leisurely pace, and of an especially strange shape —— a man with a long tail behind him…… It was a tail like a real tail, like a crocodile's tail or a gecko's tail. Against the strong wind, the cloak of feathers was slowly removed, and the head of a lizard was revealed. ……

    " Can…… we…… talk about…… Talk about it?" Said the strange man who resembled the standing lizard.

    "Everyone of the Dracolony, it appears you have made a pact with the new demon." Kun smiled at the lizard-headed visitor and said, "Am I right, King of ancient lizards? You are from another earth."

    "Put…… down." King of ancient lizards' rocky pupils flashing the fear similar to which in human’s eyes, he stretched out claw with only three long fingers pointed to the stone in the hands of Kun, saying indistinguishable human language roughly.

    "Are you worried that no more genetically engineered magical embryos have been transported from 65 million years ago to the safety of this world? The ancient world where your lizard king lives is dying, isn't it?" said the Kun menacingly, “Of course, I can acquiesce to your recklessness in this world and preserve the flame of your lizard civilization, but only if you promise to send some giant dragons into the war."

    "Your…… the enemy…… Who are they?" The lizard-headed monstrosity twisted his already very repulsive face and spoke with difficulty.

    Looking at the direction pointed out by Kun, the Sky Tower of the scattered pink fluffy catkins were unscrupulously flying to the world.

    "Don't follow us, or we'll crush your spatiotemporal spar…… Take the dragon, Dracolony. You should be ready to fight on the full moon." Kun successfully threatened with a smile, " Until then, your precious spar was in my custody ……"