Chapter 8 Woods of Shaping Gods
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-02-20 16:35      字數(shù):4436
    The elderly wise man carried us on crutches through the jungle of stone statues in the middle of the city. Thousands of sculptures of the guardians of the true gods standing in the jungle. The huge stone-carved army had an inviolable aura, and even the high priest bowed humbly all the way when he passed here.

    Then we passed the Lake of Fire—scarlet flames miraculously tumbling and burning in the chilling waters, a spectacle I had never seen before, such a contradiction yet harmonious.

    Finally, we came to a house that had immense grandeur.

    It was hard to imagine that this “house” was large enough to cover the entire forest, and into the small world in the house, a gust of dark wind made the bearded man cautiously clench the weapon in his hand. The room was dark, like a dark abyss. The old priest ordered Kun and the bearded man to stop there. Only the priest and I to continue our journey into the dark depths. This time I would step into this unknown territory alone, and fear forced me to slow down.

    Instinctively, I looked at Kun for any possibility of retreating, but seeing Kun's still smiling eyes, I knew I didn't have the ability to refuse.

    The dark, empty world was instantly illuminated by a white light as I stepped deeper into it. The glass refracts the light to reveal an immense winding labyrinth.

    The constantly changing strong and weak light was reflected back and forth through countless glasses, and the dazzling white light made the already chaotic line of sight, and at this time, it was impossible to discern the direction, as if the slightest carelessness would never go out.

    "Bo Xia from the Su Xia Tribe, I know you, I had my eye on your life before, child." Was this the voice of the gods, as I was dizzy in this labyrinth of glass, this heavenly sound suddenly descended on my ears.

    "Now, find me and find in your memory the moment we once met. ”

    So at this time, the most memorable scenes in my memory surged like a wave on the thousand-faced glass in the maze……

    "Father!" On the first glass mirror, I saw my father riding on an elk with his head held high—he looked back at the world beyond the glass mirror, and a rare smile appeared on his usually serious expression.

    "Father!" But he couldn't hear my yell in the picture!

    Soon, my father's figure rode an elk on the second glass mirror, and his figure quickly jumped into the third mirror painting, followed by the fourth piece, then the fifth……

    I chased after my father, running, chasing, until I was too breathy to keep running.

    I wanted to catch up with him. I didn't want my father, who was smiling at me, to leave me.

    Suddenly, the white light suddenly dimmed, and the world became gray.

    The picture on thousands of glasses seemed to listen to my heart, and in an instant, it was fixed on my father's daily contemptuous expression towards me…… There was my father’s contempt. when I was a baby I could not stand; There was my father's contempt when I was a child unable to raise an adult's two-handed sword; There was my father's contempt when I played with the children of the tribe; There was my father's contempt when I was lost late at night crying alone in the forest; There was my father's contempt when I hesitated to kill the rhinoceros of passage; There was my father’s contempt he turned his back when I avoided my father's gaze……

    Perhaps my father did not need a cowardly person like me to be his child, and he did not want the cowardly me to appear in his life. No matter how fast I could run, I could not reach my father's distant smile - when I stopped chasing, all I got was my father's hatred.

    Thinking of this, my chest felt heavy, the air around me became sparser and thinner, and the desperate suffocation came in full, and I choked and swallowed my breathlessness.

    The white light reappeared again, and the scene of my father with a smile appeared on the glass mirror, and everything restarted again. This time I followed my father's galloping phantom more desperately, desperately trying to catch up with my father, I cried and chased, but I couldn't catch up.

    I felt so tired, and despair became unforgettable in my struggling soul.

    "Enough! Stop it!” I cried out to fate in agony…… I squatted weakly and closed my eyes in despair.

    Suddenly, the lights stopped, and the thousand glass mirrors disappeared into the boundless darkness. The moment I opened my eyes, and a door slowly opened in front of me.

    This signified that the owner here urged me to leave. But leaving means that it would never stop, and my father's contemptuous gaze would continue……

    Could I never be the one my father gave a smile? When my courage converged into impulsive and unwilling anger, I clenched my fists tightly and smashed into the light gate in front of me, and the light gate disappeared like a bubble in an instant.

    "Come on! Father! I'll find you! Come on again……" The lights turned a tense-suffocating white again, and a thousand mirrors reappeared with thousands of illusions.

    I needed to catch up with my father this time. I couldn't let my father leave me like this. I couldn't let my father look down on me. I silently repeated these beliefs in my heart.

    But this time, the illusion didn't even give me a chance to catch up. Suddenly, the white light suddenly dimmed again, and on the thousand-faced glass mirror was my father's empty expression of neglecting me—there was the expression he clearly passed by but neglected when I cried to the old man of the tribe in complaint; There was my father's indifference when I raised the heavy two-handed sword over and over again with my then childish little hands in the muddy rain; There was my father's indifference when I beat the other children in the race; When my wisdom is praised by the wise, my father neglected; There was my father's indifference when I finally plucked up the courage to kill the rhinoceros; When I proposed my father to go to the starry night together, my father decisively left with an indifferent expression……

    The glass mirror was repeating memories that I had deliberately forgotten, memories that were like scabbed wounds that were now being lifted one by one and bubbling with fresh blood.

    These sobbing memories were now reminding me over and over that my father didn't need me at all.

    If there was a time, even once, in my life, my father had revealed his true feelings for me, I did't think I would have to struggle in the vortex of memories……

    I crouched down and hugged myself tightly—unfavored children always learned to protect themselves with such a mindset too early, and these unbearable moments brought me to the brink of collapse.

    "Remember, you have everything good in the world living in your heart, look calmly into your heart, you don't need to change for anyone…… It's better to ask for help from yourself than from others. Don't live for the pain of others. Don't live for the obsession that can't be let go……" In the shadows, Kun's voice was like a drop of dew moisturizing my incomparably troubled heart, and the echo that rippled from my heart gradually calmed my mood…… But how did Kun manage to have this silent conversation?

    "Come on, this time, I must find you! I know you are here! The God! I know you are here, hiding in the mirror!”

    I wanted to catch up with my father, I didn't want my father to leave me, I didn't want my father to think I was incompetent, I didn't want to face my father's eyes that neglected me, I didn't want to expect him to give me a little encouragement in exchange for harsh rebukes - but what if none of this could change?

    Some kind of strong emotion that gathered rapidly was tearing my heart like hot magma, and my heart yearned to burst at this time…… I suddenly understood everything.

    "Let go, admit defeat…… Wouldn't it be a better ending? No more things to cater to my father, things I don't want to do at all, things that I regret. I didn't want to kill you simply for the luxury of my father's encouragement, but the truth is my father never gave me encouragement. Woolly rhinoceros Sango! I shouldn't have done it, I'm sorry!" After some inner struggle, my forehead, face, and back became sweaty, and I cried and waved the spear in my hand…… I felt like I was back in that moment of life and death, but this time I chose to let go……

    "You're there, aren't you? God! ”

    Even though I didn't do anything, the woolly rhinoceros still died, just like I was powerless to change the past…… The 2216th piece of glass projected the pupils of Sango when he fell, looking up at the starry sky, silent crying, gradually losing his life, and in a trance, I saw myself sadly in the dead eyes of the Woolly rhinoceros.

    Frost fluttered down on the Woolly rhinoceros' eyes and eventually dimmed down, and the aurora in the distance arrived at this time, gradually dyeing the eyes of the lost life with a strange conspiracy.

    "Gods, you were there, weren't you? You were watching this from Sango's eyes, weren't you?" ”

    The glass "bang" instantly exploded into pieces.

    The blinding lights went out and the world returned to the way it belonged.

    The huge roof opened, and a “ceremonial flower” was launched into the sky, miraculously dispelling the pink fog in the night sky for a short time.

    So, for the first time in my life, I saw the starry sky. Above the low-hanging sky curtain, thousands of bright stars suddenly appeared on the sky screen, twinkling and jumping, deep but brilliant. The gathered stars are like a bright band of light hanging high in the sky, like a river in the sky quietly shimmering, Grandma is right, "the eyes of the sky" is indeed the most beautiful.

    "Incredibly, is he the one we have been waiting for for a long time?"

    "The Chosen, the Chosen!" As I stepped out, the stars were once again shrouded in pink mist, and frost flurries once again extinguished the eyes in the sky. The High Priests and priest elders in front of me had expressions of disbelief.

    "You did it. It's brilliant." Kun smiled lightly as if he had guessed the ending, but my heart felt a little lost.

    "Now, Sirs, you should keep your promise and grant my request, shouldn't you?" Kun made an inviting gesture, and "enjoyed" the end of his winning bet.

    "Yes, the Intone city-state will openly support your actions, but what is your real demand other than in the name of ‘justice’? "The High Priest seemed to have seen through Kun's mind, and I really wished I had had that ability.

    "Say it! False God never comes for the 'name' of mortals! "The sound of the scepter hitting the ground seemed to be urging the truth.

    "Yes, in addition to the 'justice' that unites humanity, I also need you to press the 'special' button of the sacrificial holy city at the last moment when the sun goes down three days later.  You know its location - just under the statue of the Lord God you worship day and night!"

    The breeze blew through Kun's beautiful long hair, and Kun's flowing and slender figure and the high priest's dark cloud-shrouded face formed a perfect contrast.

    "This can't be, your request is blasphemy!" The High Priest struck the scepter in his hand in protest.

    "But didn't God himself already agree?" Kun stared at the frosty flying flops falling from the sky, and said faintly, "Otherwise, he would not be able to come out of the Woods of shaping gods, he is the chosen son and you…… are only servants of the Gods, aren’t you?”

    The High Priest looked at the expression on my face as I followed Kun, and the old people went away helplessly. Judging from their forlorn backs, this time they were equally powerless to resist the arrangement of the True God ……

    The next day, in the city of Intone where the priests lived, the sun floated gloomily on the crimson mist, and the further north I went, the denser the frost fell, and the Sky Tower drew closer and closer, and the cold invaded in all directions, and every breath I took was painful.

    The northern world has nothing but frozen soil and raised icebergs. Everything was hidden by the snow-white world, and even the footprints left behind us were quickly erased by the ice and snow.

    "Hey! False God boy, how long do you have to go…… Damn it! Where are we going? I thought that after agreeing with the priests, it was all over.!” The bearded chief sat shivering in his steel warrior and leaned down to look at Kun grimly.

    The optical camouflage that the ironclad warrior was able to blend into the environment completely collapsed after two days of bitter cold.

    "I'm almost frozen." The dwarf chief grumbled that it was uncomfortable to sit on the frozen steel seat, so I no longer envied that the bearded man could complete the walk without walking.

    In fact, my hike was the result of a whim. When I learned that the cold would continue, I proposed to Kun to release the high camel that had been carrying us all the way.

    Perhaps this was another sign of cowardly kindness in my father's eyes, but for the first time since I came out of the "The Woods of shaping gods" that day, I realized that the "right" thing was probably more important than my father's face—maybe I could not win my father's favor in my life, and all this was not my fault.

    "I think instead of us being alone in danger, why don't I first return to the Rock Tribe to reorganize the armaments, when the great war begins ……" The bearded man's nose was frozen red, and the cold ice first occupied his sticky and messy beard, and then condensed his rough eyebrows into ice, "Hey! The robot boy! Answer me! And continue to move north, aren't you afraid that all the fuel in your body will freeze into ice slag?”

    "Chief Zulu, our journey is far from over, and although we have made a good start, it is only the beginning. Unifying the tribes is only the first step, and then we have to go to the place where the decisive battle is about to be fought, lay out the battlefield in advance, and we must make sure that everything we do is not detected by the False Gods, and further confirm that the False Gods are not guarded against our actions. Make sure that every step of our way is not detected by the False Gods - the army of mankind is inherently vulnerable to the False God, except for sneak attacks……"

    Kun's "enthusiastic" tone did not seem to be eroded by the cold, except for his normally long, flowing hair, which was also caught in the cold and stuck to his pale cheeks. He looked out over the pale icy mist in the distance as if arrival and success were only a matter of the next hour.

    "Hey robot boy, now you are talking more and more like a human, your brain will not even turn, directly call your own kind of False Gods, it seems that we are not in vain these days and nights together." The bearded man brushed the ballast from his mouth and teased Kun.

    "Maybe you're right," Kun responded with a long smile, like a happy child. and his long. His thin body was in the world's forgotten ice and snowy land, the raging snow and wind had thrown a heavy yoke over his frail body.

    Along the way, Kun was right, whether it was anticipating danger or organizing action, he never said anything "wrong" or even superfluous, what a terrible ability. While I marveled at his great ability, I couldn't help but think that other False Gods also had the same ability as Kun. Such thoughts made me realize something even more bone-chilling than the cold. We were going up against a near-god, will mankind have a chance of winning?

    As if seeing through my thoughts, Kun squinted his eyes and threw me a long smile, his smile was exceptionally gentle.

    "Three more days to go, hard work everyone. The False Gods' power generation 'farmland' is located on the other side of the continent, so we have to cross the land bridge forged by the glacier, and the cold will still increase, but I believe we can overcome it.” Kun said encouragingly.

    "I said where the hell is this place? Hell, this is almost the Arctic Circle, if you told me earlier, I wouldn’t have come to this place of cold death!” Zulu angrily smashed his fist into the head of the ironclad warrior, and the violent movement caused the solid ice on his beard to fall to the ground.

    "Lord Zulu, it's not too late for you to go back. But remember, the Dracolony…… They will eat you the first moment they find out you've landed.” Ignoring Zulu's indignation, Kun smiled and threatened.

    "Hey, forget it, just when I didn't say anything, hey! Won't either of you be hungry? I've already finished the jerky.” The dwarf Zulu pinched his stomach and complained, "This damn place, icy and snowy, has nothing to eat!"

    "Would you like this?" Kun took out the pure blue liquid from the light clothes and shook it, "After drinking it, it will become the taste you expect."

    Only then did I notice what magical clothes this was, all the way to the wind and dust, ice and snow, there was not even a single stain and dust on this dress, not to mention along the way, even if it was as cold as the Qiushui Mountain Range in front of the Rock Tribe and here, I didn't see Kun complaining about a cold word.

    "No, I don't want to swallow the food of the False Gods, the digital demon may be attached to this liquid, I don't want to become a slave of the digital demon." The bearded man refused one after another, "Young robot, although it is true that I have a good impression of you along the way, it does not mean that I have completely believed in you.” Zulu squinted at Kun, but before he could say anything, I heard a grumbling sound coming from the direction of his stomach.

    "Then we must look for something else—food that you approve of." Kun put the bottle containing the blue liquid back into the thin clothes.

    "For example?" Zulu swallowed his saliva and asked eagerly.

    "For example, long-haired seals, or the pups of basilosaurus, they are relatively easy to catch." Kun leaned down and pressed his ear to the ice, searching for the prey he had just mentioned as if the cold of the ice and snow did not hinder him - he was a robot…… I had to remind myself again.

    After a few seconds, Kun's delicate ears moved slightly, and a few slight changes pulled Kun's face, and Kun made a "shh" gesture to me and the bearded man.

    "What did you hear, where are they? My big meal!” Zulu eagerly jumped off the ironclad warrior. He crawled beside Kun as if the meal was already on his lips waiting for him to swallow.

    "Something is wrong, there is an unusual sound on the ice, I have to go and see." Kun's expression suddenly became solemn, and the cold sea breeze ruffled his silver hair. However, at this time, he didn't have the energy to pay attention to his messy hair.

    "I'll go with you!" Zulu stood up and jumped into his ironclad warrior with less dexterity.

    "No, Chief Zulu, you stay here, after I leave, the child needs your protection……"

    Was that the case again? I was always the one who needed to be protected, and a trace of loss flashed through my heart.

    "Poxia, use your wisdom to protect our impulsive chief!"

    Kun patted me on the shoulder and said. So a trace of loss in my heart suddenly disappeared. This was what fascinated me the most about Kun, although he was not a real person, but only he has never regarded me as a weakling, a useless person.

    "Just him? Let this child protect me with wisdom? Hey! Robot boy, are you scolding me for having a bad brain?” Under Zulu's ice-covered beard, his angry mouth was turned into an inverted crescent. was turned into an inverted crescent moon shape of extreme dissatisfaction. "It seems that your machine brain is really frozen."

    Kun had been gone for a whole afternoon, and at first, Zulu had been able to jump up and down on his ironclad warrior repeatedly, looking around and cursing everything he hated. But then, perhaps tired, he simply stopped talking and curled up in his ironclad warrior to conserve his strength.

    Two seagulls stopped a little by our side, and the bearded man attempted to catch them, but no sooner had his short body made the attempt than they were keenly perceived. They were so quick to enter their burrows in the ice that they swam out to the sea beneath it.

    A misguided basilosaurus once violently broke the ice not far away, but it was an adult basilosauru, its body was huge like an iceberg, and its sharp teeth under the long snout were almost as high as the bearded weapon, and Zulu naturally gave up the opportunity to feast……

    It wasn't until dusk came that Kun finally returned. His steps were brisk than when he left, and his usual smile was now more pronounced on his lips, and it seemed that Kun had returned with good news.

    "Where have you been, robot boy, are you trying to freeze us to death here?" Zulu said almost with a growl, shaking the ice slag on his body, like a stupid bird overboard.

    "Sir, please forgive me for leaving, I am sorry, there are some things I have to do." Kun's smile did not converge by Zulu's roar, on the contrary, the light smile appeared a little evil on his face.

    "No matter what, let's hurry up, hurry up and get out of this damn place!" The bearded man waved his hand and said, "Also, don't forget the food you promised me!"

    "Absolutely no problem, but we have to turn back. I've been up ahead to check it out. Unfortunately. Luckily, the glacier-frozen land bridge met a warm current up ahead and the ice melted. So we have to go back and find some wood and build a sturdy boat to cross that little stretch of channel."

    Kun pursed his lips and said apologetically. Just for some reason, I was sensitively suspicious of the corner of Kun's mouth - that smile of unknown origin.

    "This is good to say, after all, it is to go back, the warmer the place, the more you eat!" The bearded man wiped the ice slag on the ironclad warrior, and the dwarf chief said without regret.

    Kun's eyes finally found me, the moment when the four eyes were facing each other, but it was only a silent urging, the moment when the four eyes were opposite, I did not find the familiar warmth in Kun's eyes. Some kind of foreboding condensed in my heart little by little, while Kun's smile bloomed wantonly little by little. That weird smile brought a strange feeling, and then this feeling awakened my intuition, and that intuition repeatedly reminded me of danger, and then brought about some ominous impulse!

    It was obviously a normal outfit, but there was always a strange feeling that kept enlarging in my heart, especially his eyes.

    "No! You are not him! Zulu! He's not Kun!” I quickly turned to avoid the fake "Kun" beside me, shouting in horror.

    Zulu rounded his eyes and stopped the movement of removing the ice and snow from the machine on his hand. I think it was possible that his brain may have stopped at the same time, or he would not have kept on sitting on the ironclad warrior, just staring at me in disbelief.

    "Poxia! Run! Come on!  He's not me! Be careful!”

    The last call of the night came, another Kun shouted to me from the other end of the line of sight, and behind him, two pale blue-skinned men were chasing Kun, and he fell down after the shout—an electric current flashing "iron rod" touched Kun's body.

    The beating despair became the beat of the heartbeat, and in front of me, the fake "Kun" showed an evil smile, his pupils turning crimson as he laughed wildly.

    An electric current came from the back of my back, and all my senses lost control at this moment. The bearded man also fell in pain, and the ironclad warrior he sat on did not give him more protection.

    "Take them back to the Sky Tower, I want to know what insidious things Traitor Kun is plotting with this group of mortals!"

    At the last second about to enter darkness, I heard the bad guy who looked like Kun say to his blue-skinned men.

    Then, the conversation between Zulu and Kun was ringing in my ears.

    "Do you all look the same in the False Gods?"

    "No, the one you mistook for me…… He's my brother.”