Chapter 9 A Harsh Transition
作者:Zhu Congqian      更新:2024-02-23 10:39      字?jǐn)?shù):2716
    The blue light stretched out in front of the eyes, as if in the underwater world, changing colors as it flew over the smooth "stone walls" that were too flat, thus forming a line of flowing symbols coming and going, and the air blowing from the "root of the wall" was as clear as if you were in a dense forest in summer - the cold did not exist here, as if this was a fairyland.

    But it was still a prison, and the iron mesh wovened by the beam of light isolated the breath of freedom. But to be precise, true freedom was more distant—at least until we were alive out of the False Gods’ Sky Tower.

    The forbidden land of the False Gods, the forbidden area cursed day and night by the mortal tribes of the world, and now I have to be in it. Sobriety brought fear, and when the fear came in full, I looked at the beard who was still "paralyzed" on the ground, and a trace of envy arose in my heart.

    "Is it day or night?" Eeri silence was devouring me, and I wondered about the time that had passed.

    "It's probably about midnight." A breeze-like voice came from the shadows in the only part of the prison, and even as a traitor, now in a cage with us, Kun was still calm.

    But why was Kun here? Even if he was a traitor, as a False God, Kun should be different from mortals and locked up elsewhere, right?

    "In order to find you, I have guessed the password of the entire two floors of the prison correctly." Kun's floating smile hung on the corners of his mouth with exhaustion, and after Kun's arrival, the prison wall that had been flowing with light lost the lightness.

    However, I couldn't be sure for a moment whether the person in front of me was really Kun, after all, I had just experienced "deception"—a deception disguised as him, or disguised by him.

    "Believe in your heart." Kun seemed to see through my suspicions, and his soft tone quickly carried a familiar warmth to me.

    "Kun, where is this, can we still get out? Are we trapped inside the Sky Tower?" Even though I had just experienced deception, but I was convinced of Kun's voice which like a sweet spring. I still suppressed the urge in my heart, I wanted to believe him.

    "Yes, we are trapped in the prison of the Sky Tower, and my wisdom can only lead me to find you, but the prison where you are being held uses a quantum-level encryption device, and I can't crack it."

    A faint light shot on Kun's face, and he said a little tiredly, "And there is worse news, the Digital Demon found out about my prison break, I think it will find here soon……"

    "What about our plan? Did the other False Gods find out? We are plotting to tear down the Sky Tower where they live, and will the False Gods execute us for it? "Along the way, I can also be regarded as roughly understanding the ability of the False Gods, if our intentions were really exposed, if the false gods chose to take revenge, this would mean endless destruction in the world.

    Father—my heart almost stopped, and my eyes were a dizzy black again.

    "No, for the time being, the other False Gods don't know about our plan to bring down the Sky Tower, but if we stay here, they will soon figure out our secrets, and we are running out of time." Kun aimed the shell-like device in his hand at a high wall, and flowing symbols emerged from the high wall, which grabbed Kun's eye.

    "A quarter of an hour. In quarter of an hour we can get out." Kun's serious tone seemed to declaring the coming end, and as if giving encouragement to his own guesses.

    "Didn't you say you couldn't crack the code of our prison? Then we……" I wondered how Yu Kun could say contradictory things.

    "If the High Priests of the city of Intone choose to keep the covenant, then we can…… through this unstoppable external forces!” Kun stared at the symbols flowing above the high wall, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his solemn expression.

    "Will the High Priests keep their promises?" I thought about the high priest saying nothing when he turned his back. You could imagine how much determination it took to get them to push the button under the God they worshiped day and night.

    "I don't know, I can't guess what mortals think." Kun lowered his eyes. "Indeed, the human heart is the most difficult thing in this world to guess, and fame and fortune are indeed the best motives that drive mortals, so I think the High Priests of the city of Intone will not miss this opportunity to take the lead in raising the banner of 'justice' that challenges the False Gods!"

    Yes, wasn't challenging the False Gods a dream that warriors have been chasing for generations in every mortal tribe?

    In the frozen world, every child grew up listening to the story of the evil False Gods, and naive children wanted to become the unearthly hero who would end the evil deeds of the False Gods. And, about the true power of the false gods, the adults who were carried away by anger and justice deliberately chose to omit the great power of the False Gods……Now I could even think of what would happen if mortals recklessly started a war, the inevitable sad end of that.

    "Unless…… Do the High Priests of the city of Intone really have the divine power given by the True God?" This was the first time, I doubted the existence of gods.

    "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five……"

    Kun stared at the flowing symbol and began to count down, and I realized that the "shell" projected a False Gods’ number, "Four, three, two, one—it started!"

    The inner room instantly fell into darkness and dead silence, and the glimmer of light that was still shining on Kun's face instantly disappeared, and the room re-entered a cold and strange atmosphere, I froze in the dark and didn't know where to look, didn't know what to do, and the feeling of being at a loss instantly hit my heart.

    "We succeeded." Even though Kun's tone of voice was still indifferent, I could hear the excitement of dying in his calm tone. However, as soon as Kun's voice fell, the flowing light on the wall that had long been extinguished soon reappeared, but the radiant light was now a tense dark red in the darkness.

    "We have to hurry, the High Priest pressed the button, then there are still 48 hours, and after the full moon, the all-out attack of mortals is about to begin!" Kun said with a straight face.

    "The most important thing is that the key to the success or failure of this decisive battle is not on the battlefield…… And information can make or break a war. We need to find out what my companions already know as soon as possible and how much they don't. ”

    For the first time, there was a certain degree of anxiety on Kun's face, and his throat swallowed fear unconsciously.

    "Accurate information is crucial to the success or failure of the entire war, and herein lies the key to this – We need to find out if False Gods are alerted to our desperate plan……"

    At this time, the temperature in the room was dropping sharply, the gravity under his feet was weakening, the air exhaled by Kun was like ice fog floating in front of him, and in the dark and strange environment, the darkness and cold were eroding our courage…… The only good thing was that the beam that trapped us disappeared into the dark environment.

    "We don't have time, if we don't leave, it will be colder than anywhere else on earth!" In the Sky Tower of the False Gods, Kun was undoubtedly our only backbone.

    "Moreover, the Sky Tower energy system, which was cut off by the electromagnetic pulse wave, will be fully restored in an hour! Then we will have nowhere to hide. ”

    I just knew that if I follow Kun, everything would be right to listen to Kun.

    "God, why does my head is so much painful, am I asleep? Where is this? ”

    The bearded man sat up and slapped his cheek, which had been deformed by pressing on the ground for a long time, and kept wiping his sleepy and hazy eyes.

    The bearded man did not sleep at the right time, but woke up at the right time. The dwarf stretched out and let out a long yawn, and when he gradually realized that the environment around him was dark red flowing, his eyes that had just been squinted suddenly became even more round in horror than usual, and his beard suddenly stood up nervously.

    "This is the center of Antarctica Pole, the twelfth floor of the Sky Tower…… We had to move fast, and without electricity to heat, it would soon be too cold to breathe.” Kun urged at the bearded man who looked unsure of the situation. After hearing Kun's urging, the bearded man's eyes unconsciously rolled upward, perhaps unable to accept the fact that mortals were in the Sky Tower of False Gods, and once again, the dwarf chief fainted again.

    Looking at the beard who fainted at every turn, once again, it was not the right time for him to sleep. It was difficult for me to restrain the anger in my heart against him. I raised my fist and wanted to pound his body……

    "Oops! It really hurts! ”

    "Be quiet, although the priests pressed the button to simulate a solar storm, temporarily cutting off the energy supply of the Sky Tower, but the sound discrimination system is still working, we have to keep it as quiet as possible to avoid detection." A nervousness appeared on Kun's calm face, and his always handsome and smiling face became cold as ice.

    "What's that?" The bearded Zulu was at a loss for what Kun was talking about the sound discrimination system.

    "It's like waves of water…… it can emit water waves into the air, and if we make a loud noise, it is like we will surface and be touched by water waves……"

    The bearded fear was driving his impulses, and in the dark red environment, he had no patience to listen to things that he could not understand at all.

    "Liar, where is there water here! It's not like you said at all, you see I'm completely fine when I say it so loudly! Hey! Damn False Gods, don't hide, have the ability to come out and fight a decisive battle! ”

    The bearded man brandished the axe in his hand to swear his courage that he had not seen for a long time.

    "You see, most of the tricks of the False Gods are just illusions……"

    Before he finished speaking, a blinding red beam suddenly gathered in the bearded man's heart. The unfinished words were gagged in his wide-open mouth. The air instantly condensed. It was so quiet that I could hear the ice rustling in his beard.

    "Don't move!" Kun shouted sharply as he looked at the bearded man's panicked expression.

    "I appreciated your reminder." The bearded man finally retracted his voice, but still stubbornly defended.

    Kun tore off a piece of ice on the ceiling and got up, "Take this piece of ice and put it on your chest little by little."

    "Will I be burned by this beam?" There was despair in the loud voice.

    "No, but the weapon that follows the beam may penetrate your body. Okay, now listen, what this speed of light chases is your temperature, and ice can hide your body temperature……" Kun explained to the bearded man cautiously.

    Zulu trembled and took the ice cube handed over by Kun, and put the ice cube in front of his heart little by little. I don't know how long I waited, the air was already cold and unable to breathe, and the bearded man's face was gradually frozen into a blue purple, but fortunately, the beam finally disappeared.

    The suffocated and solidified air finally flowed again, and the bearded man exhaled deeply. His back that had been stiffened for a long time was relieved at this moment…… But just when he relaxed, the sledgehammer in his hand suddenly fell to the ground……

    The shrill sound of metal crashing suddenly came, constantly echoing in a small space and spreading farther and farther……

    Before the most desperate fear arrived, countless bright red beams of light gathered densely around the bearded man.

    "What now!" The bearded man said desperately.

    "Run!" This time Kun only said such a word……

    Surrounded by cold darkness, we rushed towards the only passage in the darkness, and strange traces of dark red light suddenly struck, closely following behind us……

    A turn was followed by another downhill, and then deeper darkness. I didn't dare to breathe or look back.

    After a while, the bearded man as a dwarf was exhausted, so he had to scover his chest and stagger moving forward…… And when the explosion was about to drown out his screams, the dwarf ran desperately and overtook me…… So, the beams that had followed him turned to mistake me for him!

    The bearded man looked back slightly embarrassed and threw me an apologetic smile. I was powerless to respond, and these burning red lights pressed me so hard that I couldn't complain……

    As a dazzling white light rushed into my field of vision with the run, the cold and the dark red chase behind me disappeared without a trace.

    It seemed that we have finally reached a place where we could breathe. Here, the originally narrow space became suddenly open, and in front of me were two magnificent stone statues standing opposite each other - the people on the stone statues were tall and thin, and the way they looked like they were holding their hands around their chests was very elegant. They were the False Gods’ appearance was certainly no mistake, the surface of the stone statue was smooth as jade, but also exuded a faint luminescence. I have to sigh in awe of the False Gods’ ingenious workmanship.

    After a rapid gallop, the bearded man was still like a high camel and failed to stop in time, and he still rushed forward.

    "Stop… Sto!" Before Kun's words could be finished, the bearded man had already reached the "gate" guarded by two False Gods sculptures—the strange doors looked like flowing colloids.

    "What did you say……?" The bearded man did not stop running when he looked back, so before the words fell, he rushed straight to the "gate" of the colloid, and his whole body "submerged" into the "door" guarded by two stone statues.

    "What's there? Zulu is disappeared, he's disappeared……" I asked Kun eagerly.

    Before Kun's answer, the strange "door" "moved" again, and the bearded man trapped in the "door" was squeezed out of the bud like a sweet fruit in midsummer……

    "Inside…… Inside……" Gasping uncontrollably with a terrified tremble, the bearded man stammered and pointed to the "gate" as if he didn't want to admit what he saw.

    "What's in it? Say it quickly!” I urged.

    "There are a lot—a lot of people in it, oh no, False Gods!" The bearded man looked at Kun and after comparison and then let out an unbelievable gasp. "Those people, oh no, False Gods, they are intoxicated with music and dancing madly!"